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Damn, another ABO oneshot... it's really not me guys T~T

ABO au
Heat (no smut)
Slight angst
Happy ending
College au

It should be easy, telling someone you've known for years something important when you've been able to tell them everything— from the most simplest things to the vilest almost worrying subjects, yet this, Chan can't seem to voice this.

This wasn't because he knew he was going to be judged by Changbin or well anyone else but specifically the younger, it was because the moment he should've mentioned it or fixed the assumption had long passed. He should've fixed it then, he should've... but he didn't.

Changbin looked up to him from the moment they met, which now that Chan thinks about it, should've been his first slap in the face to start saying it. "Woah you're totally ripped, can I touch your bicep?" Changbin was forward about everything and anything, if he wanted something he wasn't typically one to stumble on it.

Chan envied that.

They had grown close immediately, chan knew it was bad to start off their friendship on such a bad lie but the timing just kept getting worse to come forward, and Changbin probably wouldn't believe him now, though Chan couldn't blame that— he didn't come across as a typical omega.

"I don't know many alphas here, most of my friends are betas" he had laughed at the time, chan immediacy stiffening in his place but he kept his smile warm, too nervous to correct his assumption but also... because Changbin seemed adorable in that moment. Shy yet somehow confident, and chan didn't have the heart to be honest.

Or the balls.

Although buff, manly, confident and a natural leader, everything known to be attributes of a stereotypical alpha chan was not. It felt humiliating to be so different, but that was just who he was. He didn't submit to anyone, not in the misogynistic way, but in the omega way, he didn't feel the need to act "pretty" or "docile".

He hadn't, until he had. Changbin, oh sweet annoying Seo Changbin, the man who was somehow so observant yet so dumb. The older was crushing painfully hard since.. he wasn't sure exactly when but it's been almost a year now since he's become aware.

"Felix is cute don't you think Hyung" kill me, Chan nodded his head, giving the younger a soft smile as he turned to give Changbin his full attention like typical. "You wouldn't mind if.." he trailed off, biting his lip as Chan felt his eyes blink repeatedly, catching on far too quickly, how could he not, he could read Changbin like a book.

"I know you'll treat him right, ask him out" Chan told him gently. "It will go well, I've seen how he looks at you" the same way I do. Felix wasn't biologically his brother, but he'd known the freckled sunshine the longest and he treated him as such.

"You're so cringy sometimes Hyung~" he had whined, yet the blush and grin he struggled to contain said it all. Chan laughed at him, not minding how his chest fell heavy or how he no longer held any motivation to continue his work. "I was worried you'd be against it" Changbin admitted, this catching Chan off guard for a first as he raised an eyebrow confused. "I kinda thought you liked him" he whispered.



"He's not my type" Chan told him, patting his shoulder as he turned back to his computer. He could feel Changbin staring at him mischievously. "Whatever you're going to ask, it's a no" he told him, typing away.

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