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Cannibalism (Kinda of?)
Dark Alternative Universe
No fluff/ No comfort
Sexual harassment
College aged Characters
One sided love

Originally HYUNLIX but it's only named Felix as I refuse to make this seem like a ship because it's not a romantic or friendship kinda fic in the slightest

: D

"Hyunjin— there's something I haven't told you yet" Felix whispered, his fingers threading with Hyunjins longer ones. The tallers gaze moving from the water to stare at Felix. Not being able to continue to look the other in the eyes he turned to look at the still water near his feet.

The dock was the best place most of the people their age would go to.. do things. Felix knew this, he knew it when Hyunjin had asked him to join him at the dock at such a late hour, knowing no one would be here since everyone had left campus to go home during the summer. It was just them and the stars in the sky, nothing would be able to intrude on them.

He had agreed knowing it all, but at least near the water he had some comfort.

"I know, it's okay you don't have to be embarrassed" Hyunjin whispered, making the dark haired male lift his eyes, the glow behind them making him smile, plump lips stretched out and glossed. Felix had always loved how caring Hyunjin was. "This is you're first time being with someone right?" He asked, Felixs Adam's apple bobbling as he nodded hesitantly, eyelids fluttering with nervousness, if only Hyunjin would actually let him speak.

"I—I don't know if I'm ready to..." he began, trying to calm down. Ever since the start of the year, he had grown so close to the older and a few others, Hyunjin being gentle with how long it took for Felix to warm up to him. The dark haired male appreciated it with his whole heart. Of course over time, Hyunjin had made it obvious he was into him, and Felix felt the same way but he didn't want to just dive into anything for two reasons.

Hyunjin was his first friend here, how could he jeopardise something so important on a maybe? And then second issue was how could Felix make any kind of move when Hyunjin couldn't even put a name on what they were.

Or what they could be.

He wouldn't mind if they were nothing but close friends or even just... people who liked each other but the older never seemed interested in actually saying what he felt. Of course his warm eyes and his constant gifts of affection and care said what it could but Felix still... was reluctant.

His parents warned him to be careful... knowing how sensitive he was, he knew to listen to them even if he had the opportunity not to. They weren't here... but he knew they were right. His life was different here and different didn't necessarily always mean good.

"Hey it's okay, don't get all nervous, it's just me" Hyunjin told him, pulling him close as his had wrapped around his waist. "You know I'd never hurt you" he whispered, his free hand raising to brush Felixs dark strands. "You look so beautiful in the moonlight" he complimented.

"I'm not.. what you think—"

"Shhh it's okay, I know" he told him, but he didn't. If he did he wouldn't be trying to hard to shut up him. Hands slowly moving to places they shouldn't.

"What is this Hyunjin— what are we?" Felix asked him, "You and I both know that I like you, and I want to date you but do you want to be with me too?" He asked, heart hammering in his chest as he focused on how he would react.

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