Zero - Team O

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3rd POV:

In the dead of night, a flash of light sparks the darkness with life for a split second, a glimmer of light speeds through the dingy forest within the Land of Water as our heroes try to escape from their enemy, a group of rogue Ninja following them, trying to stop them from accomplishing their mission. A female Ninja in black with bright aqua blue eyes jumps above the treeline, with another female Ninja in white follows her. "Great Dragon Fire Jutsu!" The dark brunette shouts as the shape of a large dragon spews from her mouth, heading down to the tree coverings.

"Midori! That's too dangerous! What if Yuji and Hiro are still down there!" The lighter haired female Ninja shouts at her and watches as the trees burst into flames, turning into nothing but ash from the sheer heat.

"Well, do something then, Captain!" Midori snaps at Team Leader.

"Vacuum Wave!" She breathes in, taking a deep breath before spinning around as they start falling towards the burning forest. She exhales quickly as she spins, putting out the fire in the small area.

"Guys!" A male voice calls out; the two women look over to see a male with reddish brunette hair comes limping towards them with a dark strawberry blond holding him up, his arm slung over her shoulder.

"What did you do. Yuji?" Midori asks the male.

"I may have tripped as I was trying to dive for cover." He answers with a shy grin.

"I'm just glad you're both safe; no thanks to you, Midori." The Captain remarks, giving her a harsh look.

"Please don't fight." Hiro whines, and Midori ignores her teammate.

"Got something to say? Say it, Copy-Cat fangirl." She digs and crosses her arms. "The only reason you're a Jonin is that we've been on continuous missions since graduation from the Academy. It took you five goes to pass the Chunin Exams." She keeps prodding at her. "Come on, Kiko, you think you know everything."

"Midori, come on, she's trying." Hiro tries to stop her friend. "We need to return to the Village; we've completed the mission, and Yuji is slightly injured." She tries to defuse the situation between her Team Leader and friend/teammate.

"You Leaf Ninja scum." A voice sneers from behind; they all look to see a slightly burnt rogue Ninja coming into the clearing. "Midori of the Leaf, known as Bloodlust Midori. The youngest group of Genin ever to last."

"Got a point?" Midori asks him with a harsh look on her face that stuns him slightly as he tries getting a rise out of her.

"I'm here to finish the job." He replies, playing off his stunned state.

"Many have tried. Considering my father is the 3rd Hokage. Why don't you come for Axe-wielder Midori." She teases him, and her friends pray for the poor soul, she looks over to her Team Leader, and they nod, beginning the hand signs.

"Blazing Wind Wild Wave!" They shout as they exhale a blast of fire and wind that combines, making it stronger, heading for the rogue Ninja who has no chance of escape as Yuji uses his Earth Release Jutsu to pin him into the ground.

"Nice teamwork." Hiro congratulates the three of her teammates.

"Midori, as the Team Leader, I have to put everyone's safety into account; I can't rush into a fight. We've been working together for long enough to know this." Kiko says, but Midori looks at her.

"You realise, I know all of this, already. Yeah, you're Team O's leader, but it's only been a few years; before that, it was Ibiki; we work well together, but you think you know better, but we've been on missions since graduating from the Academy. You took a few tries, same with the Chunin and Jonin Exams, don't think you're special. Got it?" Midori pokes Kiko in the chest and walks over to Yuji's other side, slinging his other arm around her shoulder, helping Hiro, and they jump away, leaving Kiko alone in the small clearing.

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