Chapter 1: Mystery Within Humanity

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*Third Person POV,*

Wall Rose Underground Dungeons.

A wretched place for wretched people who have committed the heaviest crime and sin. Even the soldiers guarding the place despises the wretched smell that lingers onto the walls and the foul personalities of the prisoners kept in the holding cells until the court decides their fate. One prisoner however, is quite different from the others. Instead of the usual holding cells, she is held inside a specialized cell that is heavily guarded inside and outside. Chains keep her attached to the wall as she sleeps in her crystalline chamber. For many months she has been confined in her crystal coffin but now may be the time for her to awaken.

"*Yawn!* Geez, how long are we going to keep guarding this monstrosity?" A soldier from the Garrison asked his comrades.

"We'll keep watching her until she comes out." One of them said.

"Well that's a bummer." The soldier said.

Silence engulfed the group as they stood there and watched the girl inside the crystal sleep into a seemingly endless slumber. Suddenly, one soldier stood up from his chair and went towards the giant lump of mineral.

"Kevin, what the fuck are you doing?" One of his comrades asked.

"Shh! I hear something coming from the crystal." He whispered frantically.

"Kevin, go out and take a break will ya. This guarding thing is getting in your head." Another one of Kevin's comrades said.

"Seriously guys! I hear something." He said and went a little closer to the crystal and pressed his ear against it.

"Kevin you look like a retarded bastard doing that! Get back to your post!"


Silence engulfed the room once again as Kevin strained to hear something from the crystal.

Then he heard it...

"...Fierce fire, red and blue,
Release me from this chamber,
Dance from my hands and create a hue,
That will free me from confinement forever."


Kevin tried to hear again but ended up with nothing.

"See Kevin, we told you it was only your damn imagination. Now get back to your post." His comrades said.

Before Kevin could separate fron the crystal, he felt heat engulf the entire mineral. He jumped back with a yelp of pain when the heat became intense and unbearable. His comrades all stood up and helped him get back on his feet. The room was suddenly too hot to be in. They all drew their guns and pointed them at the, now flaming, crystal.

"Kevin! Get outta here and call back up! Quick!" One of the soldiers ordered.

Kevin nodded and headed towards the door but before he could reach for the knob, they heard sonething or someone say.


The crystal exploded in intense heat and fire. Burning everything and everyone inside and outside the cell.

Meanwhile, in another realm...

A man was running frantically in the halls of what seems to be a grand palace. He bursts through the giant fine oak doors of the throne room and ran towards the thrones. He stopped and kneeled on one knee before his king. A man with blazing blue eyes and long black hair with tints of gold at the hair tips sat on the throne. His red cape resting behind him as he sat with power, pride, and dignity. His sleeveless robe, made from the finest silk, show his toned arms and his trousers, also made from the finest silk, are tucked into his golden boots.

"Is something the matter Rudolph?" He asked, his voice oozing in majesty and power that demands nothing but utmost respect from his loyal subjects.

"Yes sire, a great elemental power has been detected in the human realm and it happened just before I got here and not only that, the defects are now pouring from multiple portals with unknown location in the human realm also! We don't really know who's behind all this!" Rudolph reported.

The king kept his calm and stroked his young face as he thought for a moment. After a minute of thought he finally said,"Prepare the portal to the human realm, we'll visit my daughter so that we can discuss these things more properly."

Rudolph raised his head and looked at his king with uncertainty in his eyes.

"But sire, what about the kingdom?" He asked.

"No need to worry, my wife, Lily, will take over in my absence. Now while prepare the portal I'll go and change my clothes." He said, he stood up and walked away without another word.

Rudolph stood up and immediately obliges to his king's orders.

Back into the human realm...

Flames engulfed the entire specialized cell. Charred bodies of soldiers that had been guarding the cell lay on the floor. A lone figure stepped out of the flaming room, she held up a palm and blue light emitted from it. The flames started collecting at her hand. After the room had been clear of flames, she closed her palm and put out the collected flames in her hand. Suddenly, she started chuckling darkly.

"Now it's time for the next step of the plan. My master will be pleased at the results and her Highness won't even know that it was me." She said.

She held up her hand again and chanted a spell. A portal started to open up. She smirked a devious smirk and stepped into the portal. It disappeared along with her, leaving no trace of the girl who was once trapped inside a crystal.

Meanwhile, in the Scouting Legion Head Quarters...


Commander Erwin Smith looked up from his paperwork and looked at Squad Leader Hanji Zoe, who is sitting on the couch beside Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman.

"Is something wrong Hanji?" He asked the bespectacled squad leader.

Hanji quickly shook her head.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just had a sense of déjà vu." She said, quickly ending the conversation by getting back to her own paperwork.

Erwin let it slide and went back to filing his documents. Hanji looked up again and looked out the window with a worried look on her face.

Something tells me that something bad is going to happen.

But what is it.

Author's Note: Hi! I'm back and with a new story to give you! This is my second Attack on Titan fanfiction and so far I am enjoying it! I hope that you folks will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy making it! See you all on the next chapter!

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