Chapter 5: Remembering Old Wounds Part III

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*Third Person POV,*

"Have you gone mad Lily!? Bringing a human in the realm without the council's notice!? And not only that! A child that could possibly be one of the Legendary Beasts! I swear this whole 'not being able to bear a child' thing has gone in your head!" Lily's husband, Celestine Zoe, yelled as he paced about the large throne whilst his wife sat in one of the golden thrones.

His red cape flows behind him as he paced about as well as his two toned hair. One gold and one black. The black starts from the roots of his hair down to the middle while the gold starts from the middle down to the very tips. His hair, originally golden blonde, started turning black when he was a young prince who found out that he possesses all of the major and minor elemental powers. His family presumes that his power took a toll on him thus his hair color started changing. Since his power is very vast, he wears two rings on each finger on his hands and four earrings on each ear as well as two golden gauntlets with red jewels.

"Keep it down Celestine! Someone from the council might hear you!" Lily warned. "And she won't bring harm if we teach her how to control her massive power."

As of now, Hanji is sleeping in their sleeping chamber with Lily's personal servant, Matilda, watching over her.

Celestine turned around and faced his wife with a worried expression. He walked up to her and knelt before her, taking her hand in his. The sight made Lily a little euphoric. It's like he's proposing to her all over again.

"Lily, my love, I'm only looking out for your well being. Even if you have my permission the council will not be happy about this. They'll be upset." Celestine said kissing the back of his wife's hand.

Lily sighed and placed her other hand on her husband's cheek whilst looking into the eyes that she fell in love with.

"Aren't they already upset that I'm the one whom you married and became queen and not Hilda?" She said.

Hilda is the ruler of the Demon Realm and a friend of Celestine and Lily. Both Hilda and Celestine were arranged to be married in order to combine the realms but they only see each other as friends or brother and sister rather than lovers. In fact, Hilda broke the engagement and gave the crown to Lily when she and Celestine secretly married. The council hated Lily for being married to Celestine and wanted to punish her but Hilda protected her, and because of the friendship that the three have, they made a peace treaty with each other in order to, at least, satisfy the council. Now, she rules the Demon Realm alongside her husband, a guardian whom she fell in love with.

Celestine stood up, bringing his wife with him. He pulled her into his arms and placed her head upon his broad chest. Lily sighed and closed her eyes, listening to his heartbeat.

"Lily, love, I understand that you want this child to be yours but...the council will only punish the both of you...and I can't have that." Celestine said, stroking his wife's black hair.

Lily Lifted her head and met Celestine's blazing blue eyes. Determination flaring within her black ones.

"Even if it kills me, I'll take that chance." She said. And besides, you know that she'll only bring danger in the human realm if she stays in that dreaded house any longer."

Celestine sighed. It seems that he has no choice but to agree. Once Lily has set her eyes on something, she'll do anything to get it.

"You won't go through this alone. I'll be with you, every step of the way." He said.

Lily smiled lovingly, she kissed her husband briefly and placed her head back onto his chest.

"Besides, she's quite adorable."

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