Chapter 2: Surprise!

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*Third Person POV,*

The soldiers of the Scouting Legion bustle about the mess hall as they eat their breakfast. The superiors; Erwin, Hanji, Levi, Mike Zacharius, and Nanaba, are seated in one table while the 104th Trainee Squad sat at the table right next to them. They are discussing the most recent happening about Annie Leonhardt's escape as they are having their breakfast.

"No seriously, how could she have broken the crystal when it is impossible to even scratch it with a blade?" Nanaba asked, taking a bite out of her bread.

"The guard who reported the escape said that the specialized room was totally burnt and burned bodies of the soldiers guarding it littered the floor. I guess you could say rthat maybe she melted the crystal with intense heat." Levi said.

As the two discussed the many possibilities of Annie Leonhardt's escape. Erwin and Mike noticed that Hanji had been staring at her food in deep thought for quite sometime now. Erwin cleared his throat to get Hanji's attention.

"Is something wrong Hanji? You haven't touched your food yet." He asked.

Hanji snapped out of her trance.

"Huh? What? Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking about Leonhardt's escape." She said.

"Well, we can discuss this with the others later. Right now, you need to eat or else your food will go to waste."

Hanji nodded and started eating her soup. Suddenly, the doors to the mess hall burst open and a soldier called out.

"Squad Leader Hanji Zoe! You have visitors!" He said.

"Who are they!?" She called back whilst still eating her soup.

"Well now! Is that the way you greet others after many months of not seeing each other!?" A voice boomed throughout the entire mess hall.

Hanji practically spat out her soup onto Levi's face as she heard the voice. He looked at her with a 'are you kidding me!?' look. She apologized immediately and gave her handkerchief to him. She stood up and looked at her visitors. Two men were standing by the mess hall's doorway. The first one had a handsome young face. His toned build made his figure quite tall and dashing and his straight posture demands the utmost respect. His long black hair flows freely behind him and his blazing blue eyes make the women inside the mess hall swoon and the men jealous. His outfit consists of a black suit and red tie. Making him look like a noble from Wall Sina. The man standing beside him also has a handsome face but not as equally handsome as the first one. His short, brown hair pushed back but a few tiny strands manage to escape. His sparkly brown eyes and clean stuble on his chin add more points to his handsome features. Hanji approached the two and stabbed a finger on the tall one's chest.

"What are you doing here!?" She asked.

"We came here to discuss the importantce of-" The tall man stopped mid sentence as his highly sensitive ear heard a low growl coming from behind Hanji. He looked behind her and Levi's jealous glare stabbing right through him.

"The importance of what?" Hanji proded.

The tall man smirked when he put two and two together.

Let's have some fun, shall we? He thought.

Suddenly, he took hold of Hanji's hand in his right hand and pulled her close to his chest with his left hand dangerously low on her lower back. Almost grabbing her bum. Hanji gave out a yelp of surprise at the sudden action. The tall man looked back at Levi again and found him being restrained by a blonde woman as he tries to pounce him. He smirk cockily at him to add fuel to the short man's fire.

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