Chapter 4: Remembering Old Wounds - Part II

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*Third Person POV,*

Hanji stood behind the bushes. Watching intently to what the stranger will do next.

Suddenly, the woman did something that amazed Hanji to no extent.

"O, Dweller of this forest I hear your cry,

Dance from the ground and show your true form,

You Will grow as time passes by,

And you will be special than the norm."

A white light emitted from her hands and slowly, the stump started to sprout a small sapling. Hanji's eyes widened as she watched the sapling start to grow. Soon, the sapling grew out a thick trunk, sprouted branches and leaves, and bore a shiny red fruit.The woman sighed and stepped back to look at her work. Hanji took her leave but unfortunately, she tripped on a root protruding from the forest floor. She fell to the ground with a dull thud and her knee scraped the ground.

"Who's there!?" She heard the woman shout.

Hanji tried to stand but the sting on her knee made her lose her balance and fall back on the ground. The bushes rustled and the woman emerged from them. She noticed Hanji sitting on the ground but what really caught her attention was the blood oozing from her wound on her knee. The woman quickly walked towards her and knelt beside her, looking at her wound. Hanji flinched at the sudden movement

"Are you alright? Does it hurt?" The woman asked, looking at her face.

That was when she noticed that the girl had cuts all over, her cheeks were red and swollen, and her clothes looked more like rags what with the dirt and dried blood stained on them. The woman pitied the girl.

"Who did this to you?" She asked, touching Hanji's cheek gently.

The girl flinched when the woman touched her swollen cheek.

The woman discovered that the girl won't answer her based on her reaction.

She's traumatized. The woman thought.

Instead of asking more questions, she placed a hand onto Hanji's head. The girl tried to move away but the woman held her still with her other hand.

"Hold still, this'll only take a minute and don't worry, it won't sting." She said reassuringly.

Hanji held still and shut her eyes tight. Suddenly, she felt something warm envelope her entire being. She opened her eyes and found a white light being emitted from the woman's hand on her head. She felt her wounds starting to disappear and the sting on her cheeks, cuts, and knee vanishing. After a few more seconds, the woman let out a breath and took her hand from Hanji's head. She looked at herself all over, the wounds she just had today are now gone, as if they never even happened. She looked at the woman and found her smiling sweetly at her. Hanji sprang from her place, wrapped her arms around the woman's waist and buried her face against her bosom. The woman was surprised at the sudden action but, nonetheless, awkwardly returned the hug.

"T-thank you!" Hanji said, her voice being muffled by the woman's dress as she burrowed further.

"You're welcome." The woman replied.

They stayed like that in a comfortable silence, until...


The woman chuckled as she heard the low rumbling sound of the stomach of a hungry person.

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