Chapter 6: Truth of a Past Affair

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"You" Hanji said as she looked straight into Barbara's eyes.

The satchel that she has been carrying was suddenly on the floor. Her red brown eyes quickly blazed in a blood red hue as she advanced menacingly towards the Thachets but before she could even land a hit, an arm wrapped around her waist stopped her tracks.

"Come now my daughter, they are not worth our time. Control yourself or else all hell will break lose." Celestine whispered in his daughter's ear.

"W-What!? H-How is this...? But went missing many years ago!" Harvey exclaimed as he watched Hanji struggle to break from her father's grasp.

Hanji stopped her struggling and gave out a deep breath. Her blood red eyes turned back to their red brown color. Once Celestine knew it was safe, he gently put her back on her feet and let go of her.

"I didn't went missing many years ago. The Zoe family has had enough of my suffering and decided to take me under their wing instead of watching me suffer any longer." She answered, whilst glaring at them.

"S-So! It was you!" Henry pointed a fat finger at Celestine. Who took her!" He accused.

"I assure you that it wasn't my intention to kidnap your slave. I merely wanted her to have a happy life and besides, it was my wife who took her." He said non chalantly.

He moved his blazing blue gaze from Henry to Barbara. She flinched a little when he suddenly moved within her personal space.

"You know Barbara, Celeste may have made a mistake in falling in love with you." He said, not taking his eyes off of her.

Barbara gasped when she heard him say the name.

"H-How did you...know Celeste?" She asked, sweat building on her forehead.

Celestine turned his back to her with his hands behind his back.

"Easy. He's my older brother is all." He said.

Barbara gave out a gasp again. Meanwhile, Henry and Harvey were standing beside her, confused at the conversation the two were having. Silence enveloped the entire mess hall as they all waited for what the woman will say. Barbara bowed her head and tears cascaded down her face. Hanji's glare softened, seeing the woman who gave birth to her being vulnerable for the first time made her heart fill with sympathy.

"Tell me, if your his brother...why did Celeste leave me...with our unborn daughter?" She asked.

"He didn't leave you-" Celestine started but Barbara cut him off.

"He did! He left me for another woman! He was about to leave in our small home one day, promising me that he'll be back by night fall but he never returned! Tell me! Tell me how he didn't leave me for another woman!" She screamed, her tears cascading down her face, ruining her make up.

Celestine closed his eyes before reopening them again.

"He didn't leave you for another woman, Barbara. He loves you too much that he couldn't even make himself to cheat on you." He replied.

"Then tell me why he left me if he loves me!?"

"He never returned to you because he died...the very same day he left your home."

Barbara's eyes widened as the man's words sunk into her brain.

Celeste Zoe. The man of her dreams. The love of her life. The supposed-to-be father of their daughter...

Is dead?

She suddenly dropped to her knees and gave out wails of greif. The pain and sadness that built up over the years has finally been released. Henry and Harvey tried to make her stand up and spare her from embarrassment but she wouldn't budge. She doesn't care if the entire mess hall is looking at her. She doesn't care if her makeup is now ruined with her tears.

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