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Natalie waited for hours that night until she was definitely sure that everyone was asleep in her household before she left her room. She grabbed a blanket and made her way into the next room hoping Ben would still be awake. He wasn't. She tiptoed over to the side of the bed and started shaking him lightly.
"Benny, Benji, Benjamin" she whispered, getting slightly louder every time until he started to stir and saw his eyes open.
"Addie? What are you doing?"
She still got a fuzzy feeling when he called her that but pushed that to the side as he sat up and stared down at her.
"What wrong? Did you have a bad dream? I can stay up with you if you need" he whispers to her with a worried look on his face but she shook her head.
"I want to show you something, come on, get some shoes on"
She waited for him to get ready before she took his hand and they left the house, leaving the door open so they could get back in. The pair started to make their way down to the lake by the house where her favourite tree was. She wanted Ben to know how important he was and showing him her place of comfort was sure to do it. Ben recognised the tree immediately because it was identical to the one he had seen in his dream with Addie. He looked at the girl next to him and he felt his heart melt when he saw her hair blowing softly in the breeze. She led them over to the tree and they sat on the branch where he wrapped an arm around her.
"You asked me where home was a few weeks ago and I told you I didn't have one yet, but this was the place I said I found comfort in and I wanted to share it with you" she says as they look at the lake where the moon was causing the water to shimmer.
"It's beautiful"
"I know" she whispers as she turns to him and he chuckles lightly.
The pair stayed there for a few more minutes just enjoying the company of the other when Nat suddenly turned to him and threw her arms around him in a hug, taking Ben by surprise.
"I just wanted to say thank you for coming with me this weekend" she says and he hugs her back, finding it such a sweet gesture.
"Of course" he says before they let go and start heading back into the house.
Ben held onto Natalies hand until he had to let it go so she could get back to her room and he felt a sense of happiness wash over him as he sunk into his bed. He was excited to be here and to get to meet her family, even if her sister was slightly scaring him and he was looking forwards to dancing the night away with her the next night. He felt himself slowly falling asleep with those thoughts in his head. In the room next door, Natalie couldn't wait to go to this dance with Ben. She already loved the dress she had and couldn't wait to dance the night away like she was in a fairytale.


The pair had spent the next day just relaxing and watching some television before going on some walks but making sure they were back in time to get ready for the local dance. Natalies mom was helping her get ready whilst Ben sat in his room next door thinking over everything that might go wrong but hoped wouldn't. Natalie looked at herself in the mirror and let out a deep breath as her mom brushed her hair into a waterfall plait as Nat applied her makeup to her face. She felt like was going to the prom all over again except instead of going with an egotistical teen, she was going with her best friend. Once both her and her mom were finished, she changed into the long blue dress she had packed and smiled as she saw how pretty she looked, biting her lip as she admired the way the skirt was able to sweep around her feet as if she was a princess. After a few minutes, she made her way down the stairs where the rest of the family and Ben would now be waiting for her. She lifted her skirt slightly and stepped down carefully before she saw Ben. When he saw his best friend, he could've cried. She was so extremely beautiful and he had seen her in all different ways but none as beautiful as now. She walked over to him and he smiled at her which made her smile back. Her parents took a few photos of the pair before they all left to drive there, Ben and Natalie taking her car.
"Addie" Ben whispers.
She hums in response to let him know that she's heard him.
"You look beautiful" he says softly and she finds herself blushing madly from the boys compliment.
"Says you, you look very handsome tonight Mr Wyatt" she laughs and he smiles.
They continue to drive listening to the songs that she had on her CDs, singing along happily. The pair were both looking forwards to this night because for either, it could be an indication for how they really felt towards each other.


Ten minutes later, they arrived the dance that had already started and watched as people danced about with their partners and friends and children and Natalie realised how much she had missed this. A few songs that she recognised played before a slower song came on. Just as Ben was going to ask her for this dance, her younger sister ran over.
"Dance with me" she tells Ben and drags him up onto the floor which causes Natalie to burst out laughing at his nervous expression.
Her sister puts his hands on her waist and she puts hers on the back of his neck whilst she puts her head on his chest, closing her eyes. Ben looks at Natalie for help but she only shakes her head and laughs, watching as he unfortunately bonded with her family. Although, that made Natalie hopeful for the future. If anything were to happen with Ben, he was already in the good books of the family and this meant they would always be up for having him around and oh wow, Natalie really was falling for him. She shook the thoughts out of her head before she looked up again and saw him smiling as he made his way over.
"Care to dance?"

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