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=2 years later=

Being nervous was a feeling Natalie Adderson had only experienced a few times in her life. The first being when she was awaiting the arrival of her baby sister who she now wished she hadn't spent so much time fussing over. The second was when she was participating in a scholastic decathlon for her high school who ended up having to fight with the model UN group over who got to use the room which ended in a mass fight making the girl terrified of how the teachers and more importantly, how her parents would react to it all. And the third time she had felt it was when she was sat at the top of the Ferris wheel spilling her heart out to her best friend. However, this feeling of nervousness was also mixed with a sense of excitement and happiness and that confused the girl even more. Natalie sat in her dress taking a few deep breaths before she felt her dad walk up to her which caused her to look up at him. He looked proud of her and sure Natalie was used to that but the look he gave her was one she didn't often see. He smiled at her and nodded. It was time. She got up onto her feet and closed her eyes as she inhaled one more time. She moved her hair out of her face and took his arm into hers as they made their way towards the mahogany doors. After a minute of silence, her father gave a nod to the man standing next to them and he signalled people on the other side. The doors opened quickly and the pair started walking forwards slowly. It gave the girl time to take in their surroundings. The building had large stained glass windows which means that the natural light was streaming in from all different directions and the air smelt like a mix of a hundred different perfumes. Natalie noticed how the room was full of all her friends and family who were all smiling happily at her, some of them having tears in their eyes. She picked up the dress so that she didn't trip over her feet and admired the pink petals that had been thrown over the floor she was walking on. She turned to her left to see Donna, Ann and Leslie stood with smiles on their faces and then turned to her right where she saw Tom, who gave her a look she had never seen before, but knew was a good one, who had a sobbing Jean Ralphio on his shoulder which made the girl giggle but sigh in slight sympathy before she turned her head to face the front of the room. And there at the end of the path was her boyfriend, the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Her father stopped with her and kissed her cheek before he handed her over to Ben who immediately took her hands into his and kissed them. The pair stood in front of the man at the front and got lost in each other's eyes. It felt like the first time they had ever met all over again as Natalie remembered all the little things that she loved about him, like how he had a thing for girls in skates so she deliberately learnt to roller skate, which didn't go unnoticed by Ben. He also stood and thought about the reasons he had fallen for her, like how she ate the same sandwich everyday and how she used to listen to Taylor swift at the highest volume the stereo could go as they took trips together. Ben leant forward to wipe away the tears that were slipping from her eyes as they exchanged the kind words between them that made the other fall even harder than they had before. They finally secured the speeches with rings that had been passed down from their ancestors. The two then shared a kiss, pronouncing them wed. The pair then took the hands of their partner and made their way back down the aisle, waving to all of their friends and family as they did so before they finally made their way out of the building. The sun shone down on the both of them as they walked forwards towards the little fountain that stood in front of the church. They sat down on the bench in front of it and looked at each other with so much happiness. They felt lucky for not only had they found the person they loved with every fibre of their being, but they had also found their best friend. And they carried something so special between them that Natalie knew that this was always meant to be. The man in front of her brushed the stray hairs out of her face before kissing her again. Although the spotlight had been nice, it was these private moments that made their love all the more special. As he pulled back she noticed how there had been no movement from anyone else. No cars had gone past and no one had left the church. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she stood up and started to look about for any sign of another life other than her and her husband but was met with none. She even tried to look past the church but found nothing to be there which slightly scared her until she felt Bens touch. She turned to him as she held her hands in his and smiled softly.
"Take this as a sign"
And then the picture in front of her faded.
Natalie woke up in a cold sweat from the dream and sat up for a minute before Ben rolled over next to her and sat up to make sure she was okay.
"Hey Addie, are you alright?" He asks placing his hand on her cheek which caused her to turn to him as she smiled.
"Let's get married"


A/N: and that's the end!! I hope you all enjoyed, I had so much fun writing this <3

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