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Natalie smiled at his question and put her hand into his as he led her up to the dance floor. It was clear Ben was anxious about the night but she was so happy he had come along and they would get to spend the night together.
She lifted her dress up slightly so that she could walk and as Ben placed his hand on her waist, she held the skirt out to the side. Her other hand held onto his and she knew she looked exactly like the princesses she grew up with. The song started to get louder and they practically waltzed around the room whilst other couples moved to the side so that they wouldn't hit into them because as far as Natalie and Ben were aware, it was only the two of them in the room together. Every so often he would twirl her around and she would smile brightly as the whole town watched as darling Natalie Adderson, the sweetheart of the place, had found someone just as charming as her. The pair continued to dance around before the song ended and they realised just how many people had moved out of the way for them which made them both blush in slight embarrassment but Nat wasn't naive, she saw the happy whispers between the couples and smiled as Ben walked to sit down, helping her with her dress as she went with him.
The two sat down at the table and Natalie leaned her head against his shoulder before they saw a woman and a photographer walk up to them.
"Hi Natalie, we were wondering if we could get a picture of you two for the article the paper is writing about tonight" a lady named Justine asked her.
"Of course" she nods as the two of them put on big smiles and get the picture taken before the two walk off.
"This town and these people seem amazing, I mean, why did you ever want to leave?" Ben asks amazed.
"Because people like you were out there" she tells him and he looks towards her with a sparkle in his eye.
She lay her head back on his shoulder and felt happy with how things had turned out. They spent the rest of the night meeting people, laughing with old friends, dancing and mostly realising how much they truly cared for one another. After a few hours, the pair made their way back home knowing they would be leaving at around midday the next day so should give themselves enough time to pack and get back up the road without causing any delays for work. The government was set to open back up in the next few days and Nat knew that as soon as it did, Ben and Chris would be swamped from suggestions and meetings and calls from the parks departments own Leslie Knope. She giggled softly as the image of Leslie bombarding her best friend with things he didn't quite understand which caused Ben to look over at her.
"What?" He laughs.
"Nothing, just thinking about what will happen when we go back" she replies and she nods.
Natalie couldn't have wished for her new chapter to start any better than the way it did and she knew she would have much unpacking to do for the next few days, but it would all be worth it, especially with Ben by her side.


Ben sat in the car and watched as Nat held her parents in a close embrace as they wiped away tears. He found it sweet how close the family was and to see how much they meant to each other, at least he knew that if he didn't have his family, he definitely had hers now and that comforted him more than anything. Natalie let go of her parents as she made her way over the car, getting into the passengers seat before she started to drive away from the house.
"Your family are truly some of the nicest people" he tells her.
"Thank you Benny, I'm surprised Hayley wasn't actually that bad" she laughs and he chuckles lightly too as he remembered the way she had forced him to dance with her last night.
Nat put one of her CDs into the stereo and it started playing some songs Ben was more familiar with.
"Okay so what is this CD and where was it on the drive up?" He laughs.
"It's called my, 'this reminds me of Benjamin Wyatt' playlist" she tells him and he feels his stomach fizz up.
She didn't have one or two songs that maybe slightly reminded her of him, but she had a whole CDs worth. He was in awe. He felt so happy. He couldn't believe how many girls he had gone out with who had disregarded him afterwards or had ended up hurting him and yet here was his best friend, this girl who would spend her lunch with him and made him CDs and took him to meet her family. He was so amazed. Natalie was smirking to herself slightly as the songs played, she was so proud of herself for making something so special for her person. The songs were carefully picked and made into the right order and the fact that the person it was made for was now listening to it and hearing her most vulnerable moments made her feel relaxed. She knew that when they got back, Ben would be torn away for a week or so with how busy it would be and so was wanting to savour every moment with him and if that meant letting him replay the CD every hour, she didn't mind. Ben was well aware he was maybe annoying the girl with how many times he was playing the songs but he was obsessed with it. After a while, she pulled up to his motel and he got his stuff out of the back of the car. Natalie got out of her seat and came to wish him a goodbye.
"Thank you for taking me to meet your family and for everything this weekend" he says sweetly giving her a hug.
"It was my pleasure, I will see you tomorrow Benjamin, don't be late" she winks at him and he nods as he goes inside and she gets back in the car.
She puts her head on the headrest as she smiles to herself before she reversed and headed back to her house where she spent the rest of the night unpacking, making sure that this time, everything Ben related was well and truly hidden out of sight.

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