A Trip To Nowhere

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Fear is just an assumption of reality.
-Shri Krishna, The Bhagvat Geeta.


"Can you ever be on time?" Marly screamed at me.

"I just got stuck." i reply putting my stuff in Dan's jeep and climbing up.

"As if it's the first time, first we delay our trip because of you and then you can't even show up on time." Marly won't let this go so easy.

"Oh come on Marly, let it go, let's not spoil our mood and our trip." Evan helps me out. I turn to him mouthing "thank you", he smiles in return.

"So where have y'all decided we're going?" I ask not having a clue of our destination this time, as I've been working like a bull I was out of the discussions about this trip.

"As you were not there we were unable to come to a united decision. We spent two hours at Perk's, bickering. So in the end we thought it best to just drive in a particular direction and see where it takes." Fred informed me and I just nodded.

"Which is a crap idea!" Marly exclaimed making me know the reason why they weren't able to select one place.

"Actually, I think it's a great idea. Reach for the unknown and let yourself be surprised." I retort statin the dialogue from my favourite web series Lucifer.

"So which way?" Dan ask for confirmation.

"Given that nobody has thought anything through let's take it south then." I said seeing the only thing to do. "I heard they set up a fest on the outskirts of the neighbouring village in summers. If we make it on time we may end up enjoying the festivities. Or else we would sit by the road and eat and come back."

Dan starts the engine, "And here goes five best friends on a trip to-" fred starts but Marly cuts him off.

"Nowhere" she finishes his sentence, already showing her 'no interest' here through her expression.

Time shifts dreadfully slow, I think I might grow old sitting here and die maiden.We drive and drive and drive, have I mentioned drive?, and that we also just drive. My mind starting to agree with Marly that this idea is crap, we've been driving for three hours, crossed two towns and one our own, and landed here, the land around us barren and only the road can be seen stretching straight as if endless. 

Our GPS lost its signal and so did our mobile phones. I doubt if a soul has ever crossed this path or even a ghost has. Our drinks and the snacks we brought all were on the verge of ending when after five more minutes nothing was left. 

At this time, we reached the state where we even agreed to listen to Marly sing. Unlike our usual self, we were bored af, no one in mood of conversations. I put my face in my palms supported by my knees and close my eyes. I move back to suggest that we go back when Dan stops the jeep suddenly.

I move my head up to see two roads divided by a tree. I look around again to see that this region has a little vegetation, bushes, small trees lined by the border of the road we were on. 

"Which way do we go?" Dan asks.

Fred, Evan and Marly all started suggesting like hoard of animals, probably the boredom had a much worse effect on them. "Let's vote." Marly suggests. "I say left."

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