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𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄. next to the other children, holding her head up high with a wide smile at the age of 17 she felt the first ever ache of rejection wash over her. a newly married couple had came into the orphanage looking for a new girl to add to their family and she naively thought that she could be the one they would pick.                            

however she couldn't have been more wrong, the couple had turned their noses up and laughed at the sight of her, the sight of her bright red hair and fair skin disgusted them, to most she was a beautiful girl with fair youthful skin and deep chocolate eyes but to them she was hideous and they made sure to let her know their opinions on her.

from that moment onwards she didn't care about getting adopted, nobody wanted her and she accepted that. now she just focused on learning how to survive in the orphanage she was never allowed to go to school so she taught herself how to read and write, the children and workers at the orphanage were mean and heartless stealing things and mocking her when she would show emotion.

with her being the oldest in the orphanage and no one wanting to adopt her the workers thought that she was a burden and began to let her know that by yelling at her everyday, and eventually hitting her occasionally but soon occasionally turned into everyday, she had never fully grown used to it and she couldn't handle it any more, the blaming herself  for getting hit because nobody wanted her.

because she taught herself how to read and write she knew more than the other children and that made them jealous but she ignored them and their comments she just wanted away from the orphanage and nothing was going to get in her way not a beating from the workers or some bratty jealous children.

So she kept teaching herself how to read and write and one morning while cleaning she saw a newspaper that one of the workers had left behind on the table, taking a glance at it she saw and advertisement for a maid at a residence called arrow house, desperate for a chance to finally escape the orphanage and some money to start her life she ripped out the advertisement and ran to the workers office.

Her adrenaline was through the roof as she was stood in the workers office with her hand clasped over her mouth to calm her heavy breathing so no one heard her, when her heavy breathing had slowed  down and she was sure no one was around she carefully tiptoed towards the office phone and quickly dialled the number on the advertisement.

when the other line answered she spoke to a lovely women called Francis who to her surprise only asked her a few questions and then offered her the job, she was overjoyed she had to remind herself not to let out a squeal she thanked Francis and put the phone down.

she ran back upstairs as quietly as she possibly could and she packed a bag bringing anything she could think of, she tiptoed back downstairs and quietly opened the creaky door after she had stepped out the orphanage she ran until she couldn't anymore to a street that she had told Francis to get the car that she was sending to pick her up.

she got in the car and was greeted with a nice middle aged man who helped her with her bag, as he started to drive away she looked out the window and it had dawned on her what she had actually done she was now a runaway, if the orphanage came looking for her and found her they could easily take her back she was still only 17 and legally should still be there, she shook of her thoughts and thought about all the positives of her new start at arrow house where little did she know she would meet him.

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