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𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 with her ear Pressed firmly against the door as she listened to Mr Shelby make a ruckus of clashes outside her room.

she had lost count on how many nights that this had happened, but she was beginning to worry Mr Shelby has always been a big drinker but ever since Grace's betrayal and departure he was losing control, so much so that Francis thought about pouring out all of the alcohol in arrow house and dealing with the consequences later.

she heard the slamming of his bedroom door and let out a breath that she had been holding in as she went to bed and put her head on the pillow she silently hoped for him to be sober tomorrow.

— —
Francis was up at six o'clock the next morning tending to her duties, She laid the kitchen table for Mr Shelby's breakfast with nerves in her stomach. There was a new maid starting today in arrow house.

Juliette Jennings would be the fourth maid to start at arrow house in less than two months, Mr Shelby had been purposely rude to every new starter, wether it be him making them nervous with his temper or just simply ignoring them until they broke with frustration and quit or cried.

Francis was the only maid that Mr Shelby had kept throughout Graces betrayal and catering to arrow house and it's needs on her own was becoming to much to bare, Francis was caught up in thought thinking about the new maid silently praying Mr Shelby would give her the job.

"Francis" Tommy acknowledged as he strolled across the dining room to grab his papers and take his seat.

Francis smiled gently as Mr Shelby took his seat. Placing a tea down in front of him Francis Looked slyly at Tommy noticing the effects of last nights bottle of whisky took its toll.

"Mr Shelby the new maid will be here today. Would you like to meet her before she starts?"

Tommy shook his head at Francis as he grabbed his paperwork from the table "Later Francis" she nodded and knew from that statement not to ask anymore questions.

"Goodbye Francis" Tommy said as he slipped out the front door to leave to Small Heaths for business, Francis said her goodbyes to Mr Shelby and then picked up her tray to finish her next job of the morning.

— —
Juliette was glad to be out of the orphanage. Grateful to be free of the abuse and ridiculing that she had to endure in there , as she thought about the orphanage more she got chills thinking about what the workers would do to her if they found her and brought her back.

She was pulled out her thoughts by the driver "miss were here"

Juliette grabbed her bag and thanked the driver, as she slipped out the car she walked up to the house to see an older lady she assumed to be Francis staring at her. Juliette surveyed her as she walked closer towards her, she had seemed nice on the phone but with her past from the orphanage Juliette didn't trust any older parental figure.

"Miss Jennings, pleased to meet you I'm Francis" she said as she outstretched her hand.

Juliette had to hold back a flinch at the sudden movement, she had to tell herself she was away from the orphanage and that Francis wasn't like them she wasn't going to hurt her "nice to meet you Francis" she replied back with a kind voice.

as the two woman walked inside arrow house Juliette's eyes lit up with interest, she was shocked as she looked around she had never seen anything like this before, the orphanage was dark and bleak and full of hurt she only hoped arrow house would be different.

_ _
Juliette had been shown to her room by Francis it was plain but cosy it made her feel safer than the orphanage so she couldn't complain, her room was alongside the same wing as Mr Shelby and Francis.

Once she got settled Francis had knocked on her door and offered her a tour of arrow house and explained some rules.

"simple rules Miss Jennings do not disturb Mr Shelby, you do not go into his office unless asked and you do not interfere in his personal business"

Juliette nodded trying to take in all the information
"Francis may I ask you a question please" Juliette asked afraid to catch Francis's eye scared she would lash out like the worker's at the orphanage did.

"Yes Miss Jennings?" Francis asked trying to catch the young girls eye "May you please call me Juliette Miss Jennings makes me feel like an old school teacher" Juliette asked.

"Of course Juliette although I must say your far from old sweetheart" Francis said before Juliette could answer she interjected "If you don't mind me asking Juliette how old are you exactly" "Im 17 Francis" Juliette said with a kind smile.

"Is this your first job?" Francis asked, Juliette wasn't sure if she should lie scared that she would be fired for her lack of experience but she decided to tell the truth instead.

"Yes it is, but I'm a fast learner" Juliette said

Francis nodded unsure wether to ask her next question but she needed to know who she had hired scared of her bosses brutality if she hadn't checked his new employee's background.

"will your parents mind you working here" Francis questioned the young girl, Juliette's eyes widened unsure of what to say "Nope they're dead" she said quickly it wasn't a complete lie they where dead to her what kind of parent would leave their child to rot In a place like that orphanage.

"Oh I am sorry" Francis said sympathetically but Juliette waved her off "please don't be Francis honestly" Francis nodded a silent nod and took Juliette to meet the rest of the staff.

— —
Juliette had met Mr Shelby's errand boy Diego and his father Mr Shelby's cook Atticus she was helping them prepare dinner for Mr Shelby.

"So how long have you both been working for Mr Shelby?" Juliette spoke up and asked.

"A few years" Atticus answered for both him and his son Juliette nodded understanding she wasn't going to get much of a conversation out of the men"

Francis walked into the kitchen a few minutes later informing Juliette and the men that Mr Shelby was going to be spending the night with his family in small heath and to stop preparing dinner Juliette nodded and excused herself.
— —
A few hours had passed and Juliette was just completing tasks Francis had assigned her before going to bed as she walked into the kitchen to dust she was greeted with Diego.

"Hi Juliette" he said with a small wave "hi Diego" she said back with a small smile as she started to dust the kitchen there was a small silence between them until Diego spoke up again.

"How have you found your first day at work" Diego asked her "it's been good" she replied back with a smile, Diego got up and reached into his pocket he pulled out a packet of cigarettes and turned to Juliette "do you smoke" she nodded "would you  like to  join me?" he asked Juliette with a grin she nodded and followed him outside.

As they smoked in a comfortable silence Juliette looked at the grounds of arrow house admiring it until Diego spoke up "I'm sorry about me dad earlier he's not much of a talker" Juliette assumed he was talking about earlier when she was trying to make conversation and he brushed her off "it's fine Diego" she said with a kind smile.

Juliette got up and put her cigarette out "Thank you for the conversation and the cigarette Diego but I must be going to bed" he nodded and walked her inside they went their separate ways where Juliette went to bed into a nightmare filled sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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