Good Morning (Yoonjin)

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Not that he was desperate per se, but he was certainly pent-up, and with the knowledge of a free day ahead of them in his mind, he knew it would be foolish not to take the opportunity when it presented itself. Could he masturbate? Sure, of course he could. But could he also sneak into Yoongi's room and snuggle up against his back and have slow, sleepy morning sex with him despite the protests he was bound to get? Fuck yeah, he could. Because even through all the protests and annoyed looks--most of which he wouldn't see in the dark anyway, so he didn't really care--he knew Yoongi was a sucker for sleepy sex just as much as he was a sucker for actual sleep.


Seokjin sneaks into Yoongi's room in the not-so-early morning to wake him up and fuck him.

March 29

The dorm was quiet, peaceful, with the central aircon making a low hum and the lights turned off, and with all seven members sleeping a full night's sleep in their beds. In the time since Yoongi's birthday, their schedules had picked back up again, and with it came long, tiring hours working and dancing and focusing on Bangtan than on eating and sleeping and taking care of themselves. But a free day was a free day, and none of them were apt to complain when one of their managers broke the news to them at the end of their latest dance practice. Cheers had broken out, even, with the maknaes pouncing on each other and the hyungs heaving a sigh of relief as they all packed up their things to head home. Dinner had been pleasant with a large order of take-out--since no one was in the mood to cook--some drinks to help encourage sleepiness, and an early turn-in with all of them skipping showers to head to their rooms and curl up in their beds at a somewhat reasonable hour.

The clocks read 9:26AM, and none of them seemed to stir. Jungkook had found his way into Taehyung's bed at some point in the night, either through sleep-walking or through conscious decision, and Namjoon's snoring had ceased until it was nothing but the sounds of a lovely, calm morning surrounding them, ready to greet them when they decided to wake.

It didn't take long until one of them finally did, rolling over in his bed and stretching his arms and legs before pushing upright and brushing his hair out of his face. He was still tired, still sore and achy from all the nonstop hard work he'd been giving, but he was awake nonetheless, whether because he was the oldest or because he was so horny and so hard that his brain wouldn't let him sleep a wink longer until it was taken care of, he didn't know for sure. All he did know was that he was straining in his pants, his skin was burning despite the cool air of his bedroom, and he just wanted to fucking come for the first time since Yoongi's birthday celebration--aka three weeks ago. He'd masturbated then, hard and wet and desperate after having to wait so long for the others to finish giving Yoongi his present (read: eating him out), and while it had been fulfilling at the time to come that strongly, it hadn't been nearly enough to get him through three weeks without popping a few boners along the way, and now it was starting to reach a point.

Not that he was desperate per se, but he was certainly pent-up, and with the knowledge of a free day ahead of them in his mind, he knew it would be foolish not to take the opportunity when it presented itself. Could he masturbate? Sure, of course he could. But could he also sneak into Yoongi's room and snuggle up against his back and have slow, sleepy morning sex with him despite the protests he was bound to get? Fuck yeah, he could. Because even through all the protests and annoyed looks--most of which he wouldn't see in the dark anyway, so he didn't really care--he knew Yoongi was a sucker for sleepy sex just as much as he was a sucker for actual sleep.

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