First day

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(A/n) There is mention of self-harm scars. I know it's quite the topic to start off on but I will try to avoid needing multiple triggers for each chapter but unfortunately I cannot promise that I won't happen. Now onto the the story. 

I was staring out at the skyline right outside of a convenient store. I had on a short sleeved black t-shirt, a pair of sweatpants and a pair of black tennis shoes on. It was maybe 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep much since its my first day going to Karasuno high. I were scared to see if my bullies were going to be there. Yuki and Akari. They always got what they wanted when they wanted and they were untouchable. They would pick on me, since i never made them stop. Since the start of their bullying, I had lost 15 pounds. Now being 5 feet and 2 inches tall and 110 pounds.

It started to lightly rain so I stood up from the bench and finally went inside. Having your headphones in and playing Inner Demons by Julia Brennan. The man with the spiked blonde hair greeted me when I entered. I wandered down the aisles trying to decide what to get myself. Maybe a pack of ramen or maybe an energy drink? I really had no idea what to choose so I grabbed one of each.

After paying I started the short 5 minute walk home. It's nearly 2 now. I kept replaying the same song over and over again on your phone. I always had that habit, replaying the same song without getting tired of it. I would make up different scenarios in my head. Like what if I wasn't bullied? What if I had a lot of friends? 

When I noticed that I was getting close to my house so i started to take out my house keys. I unlocked the front door and immediately changed my shoes into my house slippers. I always loved that i was able to come and go as I pleased since my mom was always leaving in business trips and my dad? Well he was in the military, so I didn't get to see him much. When he was home he would wake me up early to go for a run which turned into a habit, even when he was gone. He still writes letters to me and mom when he's gone. 

I brought the ramen into the kitchen and boiled some water for it. After cooking the ramen I placed it in a bowl and looked through social media to see what was happening in the world. My friend Amai had posted a picture of her sitting on her car and I immediately liked it. Sadly, she had moved a few months before the end of middle school. Now because of my obsession with the internet I felt sad. I started replaying the memories of when we would hang out together. 

The two of us would hang out and dance to songs like there was no tomorrow. She was the reason why I wanted to become a professional dancer.  I stared out the window at the rain for a while before grabbing a pair of shoes and stepping out into my backyard. Thankfully there was a section that was covered. 

I changed the song that was playing to replay by Zendaya. (Idk if this song exists in the world of Haikyuu and not completely sure what year its in but let's just go with it) I loosened up and started to dance. I just moved my body, not thinking about how I would move next. After dancing for what felt like 20 minutes but was actually an hour.

I finally went back inside and changed into a long sleeved t-shirt. I went back downstairs and put my sneakers back on to go for my daily run. If I went to sleep now, there would be no way I would my alarm would wake me up in time to go for a run before school. Ever since my dad started to bring for a run in the morning, I can't go without it. Plus everyone's sleeping at this time so I know that no one would be awkwardly watching. 

I put in my headphones again and stretched out in my front yard before running out towards a road that ends in a giant circle. I never really minded rain while running. I always thought that it was relaxing. I ran for about 30 minutes before running back home. I decided to take a shower as I was unlocking my front door. 

 As soon as i got in the shower I looked down at my legs. I touched the cuts I had made and they slightly stung as the water ran down my legs. I started to lightly scrub them to get off the dried water and then i washed my hair to get the sweat out. After drying myself off I went down to the kitchen I started to brew some coffee before getting changed. 

First I brushed my medium length (H/c) hair and put on a beige oversized sweater, black skinny jeans, black tennis shoes and a beanie. When I was done with everything it was almost 5. I decided to play my guitar, hoping to be able to get famous either from dance or my music. I would write down my music in a small notebook I always carried with me. I didn't want to leave it anywhere just in case someone might try to steal. 

After about an hour I put my guitar away. I poured some coffee in a thermos and poured in some cream and sugar. I then grabbed my backpack, put in my headphones but this time I didn't play any music. I didn't like talking to people but i also wanted to hear what people were saying. Even though I knew that I would be walking alone I still wanted to hear if people were around me. I locked my front door behind me and started the 10 minute walk to Karasuno High. 

As i started to be able to see the gate of the school my hands started to get a little sweaty. I silently listen to people's conversations as I walked by. Then I started thinking. I was afraid of this new chapter, not really expecting to make it this far in life. I didn't realize that I had stopped in front of the school gate until I heard someone say, "Hey, are you ok?"

I turned to see who was talking to me and it was a girl a little taller than me, she had shoulder length black hair and rimless glasses. I took out one of my headphones and shyly smiled at her and said, "Yeah, I'm alright" I looked back towards to the school as she introduced herself. "I'm Kiyoko, I'm a third. Let me guess, you're a a first year?" 

"Yeah I am, I'm (Y/n)." I said as we started walking. "Don't worry, all the teachers are nice, so are most of the students. Do you need help finding where to go?" I looked up at her and said, "Thanks, i could use some help." We moved over to a small table as I opened up my phone and looked for the email from the school with my schedule. I showed her the classroom I was supposed to go to. "Ah, that's the same building I have to be in. Follow me." She turned and started to walk away. I quickly followed behind her not saying anything. I was a bit nervous about talking to someone new but I was making a new friend which was always hard. 

"Here we are." Kiyoko said as she turned around while standing next to a door with the same numbers as the classroom I had to be in. I gave her a gentle smile, "Thank you." I started to walk in to the classroom but before i was completely in she stopped me. "Hey, do you like volleyball?"

It was a bit of a random question but i answered it anyway. "I mean I don't hate it. I watch it on tv sometimes." 

"Cool, do you want to go to the boy's volleyball practice after classes today? I'm the manager."

"Yeah, I guess I can go. I don't have anything to do." I said in response to Kiyoko. She looked at me with a nice smile, showing some of her teeth. "Thanks! Uh, I'm just asking around because i need to find a manager to take my place when i graduate. I'll meet you here at the end of classes, ok?"

"OK." was all i could say before she turned around and walked off. I entered the classroom and took a seat near the back. I put my other headphone back in but kept my music off. I had my bag down in between my legs. I just thought of her picking me for the new manager of the boys volleyball team, I don't know if i would be any good at that. I Placed my head down on my desk started listening to people's conversations. Once the bell rang signaling the beginning of class, i took out my headphones, wrapped them around my phone and shoved them in a small pocket of my bag. I took out a large notebook and a pencil. Ready to write down all classroom policies the teacher had. 

(A/n)  If you're interested in a one shots, check out my other book about haikyuu, it's a one shot  book for any and all  Haikyuu characters! All rules are in that book. Thanks and happy reading everyone!

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