Convenience store

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Everyone grabbed their bags and started the walk to Ukai's Store. I pulled out my phone and connected my headphones. I only put in one headphone and played some quiet music. I trusted them to not do anything but not enough. I still wanted to hear what they were talking about. I walked near the back of the group to make sure I could keep an eye on everyone. 

ME: How was your first day at school?

                                                                                                                              Amai❤️💃🏽: Heyy! It wasn't as bad                                                                                                                             as I thought. I miss seeing you though

ME: I miss seeing you too! 

                                                                                                                             Amai❤️💃🏽: How was your first day?

I looked up to make sure i'm going the right way. The team was still in front of me and they were all distracted with each other that none of them noticed that I started to lag behind. I looked back down and kept typing. 

ME: It was surprisingly good, I was actually able to make some friends! 

                                                                                                                             Amai❤️💃🏽: On your first day? How?

ME: I know I'm bad at making friends but not that bad lol 

                                                                                                                              Amai❤️💃🏽:  I know, I'm just                                                                                                                                          surprised that you're replacing me                                                                                                                               so fast 😭

ME: I'm not replacing you. You're so dramatic

                                                                                                                              Amai❤️💃🏽:I know you love me 

ME: I do, you're my best friend

                                                                                                                              Amai❤️💃🏽: And you're mine

ME: I actually have something to tell you!

Before I could type out what the fact I was now a manager of a volleyball team. I heard someone say, "Hey." 

I quickly looked up and almost dropped my phone. I saw that it was just Asahi. I took a deep breath and placed a hand on my chest. "Hey." I looked away trying to hide my embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!!"

"It's cool."

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand but I didn't look at it. I quickly looked at my phone and it was a message from Amai asking what it was. I pulled out my headphone and put it in my pocket along with my phone. "I just saw you were far behind the rest of us and wanted to make sure that you were ok." He said as we started to slowly catch up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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