First practice

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After a full day of just writing, my hand was sore. Everyone was packing up there things pretty quickly, while I just took my time. I took out my phone and put in my headphones to keep people from unnecessarily talking to me. I put my pencils into their box and placed in in bag along with my notebook. 

I waited for the majority of the class to walk out before I walked out myself. Almost immediately walking out I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw the same girl from earlier. "Ready to go to practice?" She asked as I took out one of my headphones. I gave her a small smile and a nod. "Great, follow me!" She said as she turned around and walked away. I follow close behind trying not to get lost or pushed over. 

We walked out into an open yard and I could see the gym not to far off. I could see a blond headed girl also walking in that direction, maybe she was another manager.I got distracted when two boys ran straight past me. One of them was tall and had black hair, while the other was short and had very bright orange hair. They both got to the gym at the same time and tried to go through the door at the same time as well. 

Kiyoko walked up behind them and pushed them in and said, "You two need to stop fighting so much." They were glaring at each other, obviously they don't get along. "Are you guys ok?" I said trying not to laugh at the way they were acting. 

The orange haired boy got up, looked at me and just stared without saying anything. The black haired one got up and hit him in the shoulder before saying, "Stop staring you're gonna creep her out."

"What if she likes being stared, you don't know!" He said back while turning back to him and glaring.  "You don't know if she do-" 

"Stop bickering and get ready!" Kiyoko interrupted them. Thank God she did because they looked like they were going to fight. I walked over the bench where Kiyoko and the blond headed girl had placed their bags. I put mine right next theirs. I took out the second headphone, and put in the pocket in my bag. I kept my phone in my back pocket just in case someone texted. "Hi, I'm Yachi. Are you going to be another manager?" the blond headed girl said. I wasn't sure since I had dance practices during the week as well.

"Yeah, I guess." I said not knowing what else to say.

A few more boys came in to the gym as Kiyoko, Yachi and I were setting up the net and the volleyballs. There was this one boy that caught my eye. He was tall and had long brown hair tied back in a bun. He was standing next to a shorter boy with a piece of blonde hair in the front. The tall one looked a intimidating, maybe he's the coach? He locked eyes with me, and I smiled and looked away immediately. Kiyoko noticed and glanced to see what i was looking at before. She saw the tall boy with the shorter one. The shorter one started to run over to me followed by another boy with a shaved head. 

"Hi I'm NIshinoya! You're friends with Kiyoko! You're so lucky! What's your name?" the short boy asked, while the the bald headed one followed up with more questions without letting me answer. "I'm Tanaka, you're so pretty, but Kiyoko is hot!" I didn't know if I should be thankful or offended by that statement. Then they both said the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me. "Will you step on us?" I looked at Kiyoko not knowing what to do, she answered their question for me, "Leave her alone, She'll get scared and never come back."

"Oh my god, please don't be scared, we were just trying to be nice." Nishinoya said obviously trying to keep me from leaving. "It's ok." I said trying not to laugh at their remarks. I didn't even notice but all of the boys were ready and lined up. There were two men standing next to Kiyoko and Yachi. on at the bench. One of them I recognized as a teacher and the other was the same man from the convenience store that was close to my house. 

I went walked up to him and said hi. "Oh hey there, didn't expect to see you here. Especially after being up so late. I'm Ukai by the way." he said smiling at me. "Yeah, I needed a lot of coffee. Uh (Y/n) " I said to him while smiling. He turned and looked at the team. "Alright guys, it seems like we now have two managers in training. Don't scare her away and don't kill her by hitting her with a volleyball."

"What? I wasn't told that I could die." I said, interrupting the coaches speech.

"Well I don't really know if its possible and honestly I don't really care."

"Uhh, I guess I'll look into it." I was scared now, yes i've made so many jokes that I wanted to die in the past but I don't want to die like that. Kiyoko whispered in my ear as COach Ukai continued his speech. "You'll be fine, you most likely won't get hit." When she said that I was able to calm down a bit but I was still a bit nervous. I looked over at Yachi and she was scared too which calmed me down a little more. I was still nervous though, not because of what was said but also because this was a lot of people that I had to meet. 

Everyone started to introduce themselves and they also stated their position, not that I really knew what they meant. There was Nishinoya, Hinata, Kageyama, Daichi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and the one that shocked me the most Asahi. He was the tall man with the long hair. I thought he was the coach. When he introduced him he seemed shy, which was the complete opposite of how I expected him to act. He was number 3, the teams ace. I don't really know what the ace does but it sounds cool. I started to think how I would manage the volleyball team while also going to dance practice that'll definitely be something I have to talk about with Kiyoko and Yachi.

They practiced for so long that i was getting tired just watching them. Going over and over again, in a way I can understand them. I was the same with dance. I almost starved myself to death because of dancing. There was finally a break, I followed Kiyoko and Yachi to grab water bottles and towels. I handed one of each to Hinata and Tanaka. When I went back to the pile there was only one left. I looked to see who was left I laid my eyes on Asahi. 

I walked over to him and handed him the water. "Here you go." I said as I gave him a small smile. "Oh, thanks." He said nervously as he grabbed the water and the towel. "Asahi, right?" I said, hoping I had the right name. "Yeah, thats me." he said, he nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Good, I was worried I said the wrong name." I gave a small laugh and looked at the floor. 

"Will you be coming back tomorrow?" he asked. I felt bad for what my answer would be but I can't just lie to him for no good reason. "I actually can't I have dance practice. I would've loved to come everyday though." 

"Oh." He said to my answer he seemed a bit sad. "I'll be able to make it to the next one." I gave him a smile hoping that it would make feel better. It seemed like it worked since his cheeks got a little red and he gave me a smile. 

I didn't know what else to say so we just stood there in an awkward silence. Thankfully it wasn't to long since Nishinoya came over. "You're so pretty, almost as pretty as Kiyoko." 

"I'm not that pretty." I said to him slightly blushing. Tanaka walked over and said, "Did you just say you aren't pretty? Well it's true bec-"

Nishinoya interrupted him by saying, "Dude what the hell. Don't say stuff like that you probably let her feelings."

I stopped them before they fought, "It's fine, it's nothing I haven't heard before."

"If Noya had let me finish, I was gonna say it was because you're beautiful." Tanka said obviously annoyed at Nishinoya. "Well maybe you should speak faster!" Nishinoya said while he crossed his arms and turned away. 

"Yeah you really are." Asahi saying agreeing. 

"Well I really don't think I am but thank you." I said looking at the ground and playing with the sleeves of my sweater. Coach Ukai told everyone to start cleaning up. I walked over to Kiyoko to mention that I have dance on some days so I wouldn't be able to come every day. She said that it would be fine since Yachi is also going to be a manager. 

We continued to clean up the gym but Hinata and Kageyama wanted to keep practicing. I really had to get home and do homework. I hoped to actually get sleep that night. The two of them were finally convinced to go home for the night. The whole team decided to stop by Ukai's convenience store to get some meat buns. Since it was on my way home, I guess I wouldn't have to walk alone.

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