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When we arrived at the train station I had to move away from Harry, Ron and Hermione because I had to go with first years.

I had to be sorted by the sorting hat. The trio told me about that too.

All the nerves returned because I really didn't want to be sorted in the wrong house. I wanted to stay with nice people and if the Slytherin house was composed by all people like the boy on the train, it would have been impossible for me to make friend.

We were guided by a big man called Hagrid, he seemed to be nice. When we arrived at the front door of the castle, I saw a woman standing in front of us. She started explaining everything "Before enter the Great Hall, you have to know you'll be sorted in your house. From now on your house will be like your family. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."

When I heard the last name, my stomach closed, and I really started panicking inside me.

"Miss Nolan will be the first one to be sorted because she is not a first-year student" okay, now I was panicking more if that was possible. I nodded holding my breath.

The Great Hall was huge, there were four tables, each for every house I supposed, and another table for the professors who were watching too the sorting ceremony.

Professor McGonagall called me "Hannah Nolan", I walked there and sit to a chair while the professor was putting the hat on my head. Everyone was silence and was watching me.

I looked at Gryffindor tables and I could see Harry, Hermione and Ron smiling at me in a comforting way, but then my eyes fell over to the Slytherin table and I could see the train boy looking at me in a too much interested way.

I was so nervous that I barely listened the hat "plenty of courage, intelligent and ambitious. I see, I know exactly where to put you, very well..." my hands were shacking "Gryffindor!" as I heard that word I sighed with relief. I was so happy. I went to the Gryffindor table and I sit near Ron in front of Harry and Hermione. They seemed happy too to have me in their house.

While the sorting ceremony kept going, Harry made all the presentations

"Hannah these are Ginny, Neville, Seamus and Dean. They are all of our year except for Ginny, she is a fourth-year student" Harry introduced me, and I was really hopeful that they could be my new friends.

"Ginny is also my sister unfortunately" said Ron with a smirk

"Oh shut up Ronald, nice to meet you Hannah." I smiled.

"Pss, Potter, Potter" Ron and I turned and saw the train boy, I didn't really catch his name, calling Harry, probably to say something mean.

"are you happy she is a Gryffindor, aren't you? another stupid girl that will fall to your feet only because you are the chosen one"

"you can speak directly to me, uhm, what is your name again?" I said in a strong tone

"Ooh I like this one" he turned to his friend whit a smirk "You'll find out soon honey. Now you can stay with Potter and his stupid friends"

"Are you jealous?" I smirked wanting to play at his game

"I'm never jealous beautiful"

"good, have a nice evening" I said, and I turned myself to the table.

Ron gasped "bloody hell that was brilliant"

I smiled at him and the rest of them "I only said what has to be said, I don't like him at all"

As I said those words, we heard a clink of glasses and we saw the headmaster, professor Dumbledore, got up and say some welcoming words

"Good evening. Today starts a new school year here at Hogwarts. This year we have a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge." She was a small woman and she was wearing a pink suit. She was a little bit terrifying. "and, also, your professors and I have decided that this year will be held again the Yule Ball. We saw that you loved that last year during the Triwizard tournament and we wanted to recreate it during Christmas Eve. Now let the feast begin".

As he said his last words the table filled up with food and I was really amazed.

"What is the Yule Ball?" I was curious about his ball. I have never been to a ball and, even though it was on December, I was really excited.

"It is a simple ball, but it is amazing. Last year we had it because Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard tournament which was won by Harry. It was amazing and I'm so happy we can do this again." Hermione seemed the most excited girl in all the Great Hall, but I understood why; every girl wants to go to a ball with the boy she likes.

"It was wicked" I heard saying by two voices. Indeed, there were two twins with red hair, they were absolutely identical, as one of them noticed I was watching them, he said "I'm Fred and he is George Weasley, yes, Ron's brother"

"nice meeting you two" and I smiled trying to be as kind as possible.

When the feast finished all the houses started to go to their dormitories and I followed the others because I didn't really know where to go.

When we arrived, Neville told to the painting the password to access the dormitory. I had to remember it. I shared my room with Hermione and Ginny because we could decide and they were excited to have me with them "we have always been the two of us, but a trio is better" Ginny seemed to be very happy about that.

"Which lessons do you have tomorrow, Hannah? If we have something in common, we can go to the class together, if you want" Hermione seemed more nervous than me

"uhm, of course, I'd like that." I smiled "I have potions, transfiguration and herbology. Are they the same?" I asked nervously. I wanted to stay with her so I couldn't have to be alone.

"Uhm yes, except for potions. I have care of magical creature" it was better than I expected, it was only a lesson alone, maybe there will be another Gryffindor student to stay with.

I unpacked all of my stuff, which was already there thanks to the house elves as at Ilvermorny, and started to write a letter to my parents saying I was sorted in Gryffindor and that I made some friends because at Hogwarts people were far more welcoming, "except for some people" I thought but I didn't write it.

I would send it the day after because I knew there was an owlery, Hermione told me that during the feast in case I wanted to send some letters.

I went to bed, exhausted because of the long day I had, but I was quite happy about it.

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow"

"night Hannah, sleep well" Hermione smiled.

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