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"Hey" he said looking right into my eyes.

I didn't know what to do. Was he even real? Or was it all a dream? I didn't answer.

A part of me wanted to run to him and hug him without letting him go, but on the other hand a part of me wanted to punch him because he left me there, alone.

"What are you doing here Draco?" I said without moving

"Han, I know that maybe you are angry at me right now, but I don't have much time. I need your help" he said, getting closer.

"For what?"

"snatchers. They took Granger, Potter and Weasley. They are at the Malfoy manor right now. I came her as soon as I heard about this."

"what? Are you joking, right?" all my fears became real, they weren't safe any more

"no Han, they are going to call you-know-who soon. We have to go"

"wait. What do I have to do?"

"I can't help them, otherwise they discover me and kill me. I can let you go to the cells and free them"

I looked him in the eyes, and he seemed to say the truth. He was clearly worried about that.

"Why are doing this? I thought you hate them, my friends"

"I hate Voldemort more" he said. He was on our side.

I came closer to him, and I could smell his perfume. That perfume I was missing so much, I kept looking in his eyes, and he did the same. I hugged him, before going there.

"I missed you so much" I said, with my head in the hollow of his neck. He strengthened the embrace

"I missed you so much too. are you angry at me?" he looked at me

"no" I said hinting a smile.

He nodded, he took my hand, and we disapparated.

In a few seconds I was in front of one of the biggest houses I had ever seen. It was a black castle. It looked even darker at night. We entered from the gate, but we soon hid in the bushes near the entrance.

"Ok, I will apparate inside my house, and I will behave like none of this has ever happened. I'll control the situation, and then I'll return here to you. Don't move for any reasons. Stay here hidden until I return, okay?"

"yes, don't worry, I'll stay here. But be safe okay?" he nodded, and he kissed me. it was a quick kiss, but it was everything I needed in that moment.

After 10 minutes, he returned to me.

"Ok, they all are in the cells. You have to apparate there okay? I know that you have never seen that place, but you have to succeed, I think we don't have much time"

"I'll do it. What will you do?"

"I have to behave like I'm on their side"

I knew he didn't want to do that, but it was for his best

"will we see after that?" I asked

"I don't know" I kissed him

"be safe" I said

"you too" I nodded, before I could go, he took my hand

"it was clever of you, the letter. I immediately understood it was you" I hinted a smile and I quickly disapparated, determined to take my friends away from that place.

When I arrived there, I really hoped I did it right.

"Harry? Ron? Hermione? Are you here?" I whispered. The room wasn't illuminated, and I couldn't see anything

"Hannah?" I heard someone saying this.

"Lumos" I said. And then I could see them. I ran to them and hugged them

"My god you're safe" I said

"Hannah, what are doing here?" Hermione asked me

"Draco. He came to Hogwarts, he said that you've been taken and brought here. I came here with him"

They all looked shocked about that. They clearly didn't expect Draco doing something like this.

"We have to go now. It's not safe for you to stay here"

But when I said that, someone arrived there.

I hid myself, and a man, a death eater, took them. I tried not to panic. The only thing I should have done was follow them and took them away.

I went up the stairs making as little noise as possible, and I saw some death eaters fighting against Hermione, Ron and Harry. There was Draco too. It broke my heart seeing him fighting a battle he didn't want to fight, but I knew he had to.

I sighed taking courage, and I showed myself. All of them stopped fighting and looked at me. Draco too, fear in his eyes.

"And who are you girl?" Lucius asked me, but I didn't answer

"She's Draco's girlfriend, aren't you? She was there the night Dumbledore died" Bellatrix said in front of everyone.

My friend looked at me shocked, they didn't know. I looked at Draco, who couldn't look at me, he was looking at his feet.

"I'm not his girlfriend" I lied, but I had to, otherwise Draco would have been in much troubles.

Hermione, Harry and Ron walked to me. Death eaters tried to fight us, but we managed to stay close.

I looked at Draco, I wanted to say to him that he could come with us, but I couldn't say out loud. But I knew he understood my look, and I understood his: he couldn't, not in that moment.

I took my friends' hands and we disapparated.

I concentrated to the place we had to go, but I couldn't stop looking at him. In a few seconds we were somewhere else, safe.

But everything I could think of in that moment was his eyes. 

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