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The next days I tried to organize myself better than I could.

Every day I had to take classes, study, eat and I wanted spend time alone with Draco, but it is seemed impossible to do everything. Exams would have been in two months, but I wanted to be prepared as much as I could, and I wanted to excel.

Two afternoons a week I also had to take Dumbledore's Army. Since we started, we all learnt so much, from defensive spells, to spells used to attack, in case, one day, we had to face a dangerous situation. Harry was very good at teaching, and we all succeeded in what he was teaching us.

I didn't tell anything about that to Draco, it was the only secret I kept for myself, and even though I felt guilty, I knew it was for the best.

We were in the room of requirement and Harry was teaching us the spell called Stupefy. We had to split into pairs, and we practiced. Ginny and I didn't success at first, but then I tried, and Ginny fell to the ground after being catapulted up. I ran to her

"I'm so sorry, Gin. I didn't want to hurt you. Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm ok, Han, don't worry" I helped her to get up.

"Now it is my turn" she said smirking and looking at me "stupefy!" I closed my eyes and I did the same she did, I fell over. I was ok, I expected something worse. I stood up and laughing at her.

"Ok everyone, this is the end of the lessons. We will meet here Thursday at 5 p.m. as usual. Good job, everyone!" said Harry looking at us. He was smiling, I knew he was proud of us, and of what we were capable of.

I collected my stuff, and I was directed to the Gryffindor common room to study arithmancy. I wasn't so good in that subject, but I knew Hermione could help me.

"Hannah, can you stay here for a moment?" I looked up, and I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry in front of me with preoccupied expressions.

"What's going on?" I said, I was worrying I've done something wrong.

"Han, did you know that Draco took part in Umbridge's group of spies? They are searching for us for some time" Hermione said to me, she knew how to say it with a calm voice.

"What?" I was shocked, I couldn't expect that from Draco.

He couldn't do anything like this. I didn't have the words to describe how I was feeling in that moment, disappointed, betrayed and angry at him. I couldn't expect that. I looked at them, they were waiting for me to say something

"Of course, I didn't know anything. If I knew something, I would have told you. I didn't expect that." I collected everything, and started to walk outside the room "sorry I have to go"

"where are you going, Han?" was Ron the one to talk, but I didn't turn around, and I kept walking. I had to find Draco and ask for explanations. I didn't want to believe it. We were on the opposite side of our battle. Everyone knew that what Umbridge was doing was wrong. But I knew I wouldn't change side for him. He was the one on the wrong side, and I wanted to make him understand that.

I searched for him everywhere, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I gave up, hoping I could find him at dinner.

And I was right. He was sitting with his friend. Without even thinking I went towards him, I could hear Hermione telling me it was a bad idea, but I didn't care. I wanted to ask him if it was true, but most of all why he would do something so evil.

As I reached the Slytherin table, I cleared my throat

"Draco, can we talk?" he looked me confused, but I remained in the same position.

"Yeah, love, tell me" he looked at me smiling

"Outside, now" I said, and I started walking out the Great Hall. I could feel him following me without asking me anything. He probably knew why I was very upset.

"What's up? Why are you acting like this?" he said to me when I stopped walking, and I stood in front of him with arms crossed.

"This is not about me. Tell me Draco, why do I only get to know today that you took part in Umbridge's group of spies, or whatever you called yourselves? Tell me, because I don't understand"

He sighed, it was obvious that he was surprised that I knew, and this made me angrier.

He didn't reply immediately, he didn't want to look at me

"So?" I said, I was waiting for some explanations

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier" I laughed

"Oh, now you're sorry. Why do I think that you would never told me, if I didn't find out? What did you fucking think in the moment you decided it? Are you ok Draco? My god, you are an asshole"

He kept looking down, at his feet.

"You know what? Piss off. I'm tired of it. Probably you are even proud of your choice, aren't you? You've disappointed me so much. I didn't expect this from you. It was so humiliating when Hermione told me. You are not this. Have a good evening"

I walked away. I didn't want to see him for a while. I entered the Great Hall. I was even angrier than before.

I sat next to Hermione, who saw I was really upset and didn't say anything. I waited the end of the dinner, without eating nothing.

Then we went to our common room. While we were walking, I could hear Draco calling me, but I didn't want to talk to him in that moment. I knew it would have been worse than before. I could hear Hermione saying to Draco

"Not now, Malfoy, it's not a good idea. Let her simmer for a while" he sighed. But I walked faster to the Gryffindor common room. 

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