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We reached Hermione and Harry on the bridge halfway. We had to convince Harry to make us come, and not to do everything all alone

"Ok, how are we going to get to London?" Harry asked us

"We fly, of course" said Luna, and after 10 minutes we were flying to London, on invisible creatures, the Thestrals.

Only Luna and Harry could see them, because they faced death.

It was strange, but it was fun. I could feel the wind in my hair.

When we reached the ministry, Harry told us that we had to go to the Department of Mysteries. We were in front of a green door, and when Ginny opened that, I saw a room full of spheres which had inside a white cloud.

Harry ran into the room, but he didn't find Sirius. Nobody was there, except for us. I turned around to get a better look to the room, but I noticed one of the spheres had Harry's name on it

"Harry? this got your name on it" I said, and they all turned around to me, and Harry came to me, and picked the sphere.

I was looking at him, and I didn't notice that some people with masks were walking towards us. "harry" Harry and I looked up and saw them. They were 7 of them and they looked very scary.

I held my wand with a tighter grip, I could feel something bad was going to happen.

"Where is Sirius?" asked Harry

"you know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality. You saw only what the dark Lord wanted you to see. Now end me prophecy" he said.

I wasn't sure about it, but he was Draco's father. I had never met him, but he was terribly similar to Draco, and the others told me he was a death eater.

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it" Harry said

We heard a strange laughter. It was a woman. She was very thin, and she wore a black dress. Her hair was curly and long "he knows how to play. Itty, bitty baby, Potter" she said, walking to us

"Bellatrix Lestrange" Neville said raising his wand.

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mom and dad?" she asked, and I understood who she was. Hermione told me about her when she escaped Azkaban. She murdered Neville's parents years ago.

"Better, now they are about to be avenged" he said, she raised her wands, but no spell went out of her mouth.

"Potter, give me the prophecy and you will understand the meaning of your scar" he said

"I've been waiting for 14 years" Harry said "I think I can wait a little longer. Now" and we all screamed "Stupefy!"

I started to run as fast as I could, I could feel there was somebody behind me, I looked back and I saw a black figure following me.

"Stupefy!" I screamed, but he casted a protective spell and he continued to run over me. I tripped and fell to the ground.

I saw him walking to me "Levicorpus" I screamed, it was the first speel I could think of, and I could see him floating away from me.

I stood up and continued to run, until I found Hermione and Ron. We started to run, and we collided with the others.

I saw a black cloud flying to us, and Ginny, who was in front of us all screamed "Reducto", I saw a very powerful white light.

When the light disappeared, there was no one in front of us, but we all saw all the spheres on the shelves falling down. The shelves were falling like dominoes towards us.

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