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I didn't know how I managed not to fall on the ground and cry. One of my best-friend was gone, and he would never come back again.

all Voldemort said after was only a distant noise, I hadn't heard any of his words, until someone started to talk.

"Draco" Draco's father, Lucius, was calling him with his arm outstretched as if to say to go to him. Everyone turned around to see what Draco would have done.

Finally, everyone could see that Draco was not a bad person, and that they could trust him. But were they right?

My boyfriend didn't move any single part of his body, but he was looking around. He clearly didn't know what to do.

"Draco" everyone's attention was in front of them "Come" a beautiful woman was standing right beside Lucius.

Apparently, she was his mother. She seemed to be afraid to talk in front of everyone and in front of Voldemort, but she asked his son to come with her, and I knew how much his mother meant to him.

I took Draco's hand in mine, he looked at me. he clearly didn't know what to do, how to behave.

"you know you don't have to. You can stay with all of us, with me. you'll be protected. you have nothing to fear"

He looked in my eyes, his eyes red for the tears which were starting to roll down his cheeks. He untied his hands from mine while looking me in the eyes.

He wasn't going to stay.

"Hannah, it's my family. I can't leave them, I'm sorry" he said.

He began to walk toward his parents, without looking back, without saying goodbye to me.

Tears began to exit my eyes. I tried not to make any noises, I tried to seem strong, to be strong, but I wasn't.

Blaise, who had always been behind us, took my hand to let me know that even if it was tough, he was there and that I would overcome it, as I have always done.

I couldn't look at Draco's direction, I didn't want to. I felt so ashamed, angry, and betrayed. Betrayed by the one I though was the love of my life.

"Do like young Malfoy, and you'll live. If not, you'll all die"

No one moved.

Except for him.

In all that time I had not seen his body, carried by some death eater. Harry jumped out the death eater's arm and casted some spells against them and Voldemort, who looked as surprised as us, except that we were happy about it.

It wasn't over. not yet. 

We ran inside the castle, and in all that mess I could find Hermione and Ron who were with Harry. I ran and hugged him, even though I knew we didn't have time for that sort of things.

"we have to kill the snake. We kill it and it's just him" Harry said

"and how are we supposed to do that?" I asked, any of the spells we tried had worked

"the sword. It's the only thing that can destroy the Horcrux" he explained to us

"yes, Harry we know that, but we lost it at the Gringotts. How are we supposed to find it now?" Hermione asked, we had to find a way soon.

All the barriers the professors made in that moment were falling. In any minutes the school would have been invaded by death eater for the second time.

"I think I know where it might be" I said, thinking how I could find it

They didn't say a word, until I spoke again.

"every true Gryffindor will be able to draw the sword out of the sorting hat. Professor Binns told it more than once during lessons. We only have to find the hat. The true Gryffindor is you Harry. It has to be you" I explained "and I think where it might be the hat" I started to walk

"Hannah, wait, where are you going?"

"Just trust me, just jeep Voldemort and the snake busy. I'll be here in a minute" I shouted while I started running.

I ran as fast as my legs could towards Dumbledore's office, which, fortunately, was mostly intact, death eater hadn't gotten this far.

The room was so quiet, if someone was there, he might not have known that a war was going on, except for the distant noises.

The sorting hat was there, on a shelf.

Without hesitating I took the hat, and I ran out of the office, to Harry, hoping he managed to keep our enemy busy.

When I arrived there, no one was there. Nor Harry, or Hermione or Ron. Where did they go? I needed Harry there, as I told him.

I just hoped he was somewhere to distract Voldemort or the snake.

The Great Hall, or what was left of it, was full of people fighting against death eaters, but I couldn't tell who was winning over the other.

I had to find Harry. Only he could do what needed to be done, kill the snake, and then Voldemort.

I started running everywhere, but he was nowhere. When I turned the corner, I saw him.

He was fighting Voldemort, but I couldn't tell if he was winning over him. I couldn't call him, or Voldemort would have noticed me, and understood the plan.

On the other side of the corridor there were Hermione and Ron who were keeping the snake busy attacking someone else.

"Hermione!" I ran there "what can I do? I have the hat, but Harry can't take it now!"

"I'm a bit occupied at the moment Hannah" Hermione shouted.

What could I do? I couldn't help Harry, Hermione and Ron.

In that moment, I felt the hat heavier than before.

"What the" I looked down at it, but it seemed the same. Nothing changed. Nothing except for a reflection of light. I looked more carefully.

"No, it can't be" I put my hand inside the hat, a cold blade touched my fingers which held it, "the sword" I smiled incredulous.

I was a true Gryffindor.

I looked around, no one was there.

Where Hermione and Ron had gone? Where was Harry?

I exited the corridor. From the fallen wall it was possible to see the courtyard. No one was there, it was empty.

I walked down the other corridors, and in front of the stairs there were Hermione and Ron who were hugging on a pile of rubble. Their eyes closed.

I looked on the other side, the snake was aiming at them and, probably, it wanted to kill them.

Without hesitating, I ran in their direction, and in the exact moment the snake jumped on my friends, I grabbed the sword harder and beheaded the snake.

A scream was heard from the body of the now dead snake.

I didn't pay attention on Hermione and Ron, because I knew they were safe, I ran where I was before and I could see Harry fighting against Voldemort.

"Harry, kill him now!" I screamed as loud as I could, with all the air I had in my lungs.

He didn't have it repeated twice, and casted a spell against him.

Voldemort had no more strength, he couldn't defend himself, so he was hit by the spell. His body shattered as if it were made of glass, but then all the pieces flew away.

I sat on the ground, exhausted. The sword still in my hand.

In all that time I didn't think of him. Where was he? Did he escape with his parents? Was he still in the castle?

But I didn't try to find the answers to that questions. At least not in that moment.

In that moment, all I could think was that it was over.

Everything was finally over. And we were free.

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