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I idly play with my salad as Matt keeps telling me about himself.

I really thought this would be fun, but it's not.

Don't get me wrong, I really do like Matt... as friend.

All this is awkward for me because it's the first time in four years that I'm intimately sharing a meal with a guy.

"Cece, are you okay ?" Matt asks me after a couple of minutes.

I look up and he busy staring at me. I'm immediately tongue tied for a while before actually speaking up.

"I'm sorry that my mind isn't here, it's just... Ash. I hate being away from her."

Dumbest lie ever Cece !

"Oh !" He exclaims, clearly disappointed.

Now I feel like a terrible person.

"We can just pay and head home." Matt suggests and I nod.

I check the time on my wrist watch :

2:00 pm

I've been with Matt since eight in the morning. I don't know how Ash is since I forgot to charge my phone and it's now turned off.

I don't think I'm going to be getting the 'mommy of the year award' any time soon.

After Matt has paid for our lunch he walks me to the car and drives me home.

During the twenty minute car drive, he's talkative and I'm not.

I feel bad for Matt because I'm being all unfair and selfish towards him. He made an effort to spend the whole of Saturday with me yet here I am... cutting his plans short just because...

...I feel awkward.

When we arrive at the house, Matt offers to open the car door for me and I let him.

"Thanks" I say as I hop out the car.

He walks me to the front porch then leans in and does something I haven't done in four years... he places his lips on mine and kisses me...

...or tries to.

I can't call it a kiss because... it definitely isn't. 

Once Matt pulls away I quickly run inside the house and lock the door.

"What's up with you ?" Heidi asks as she passes by me and enters the kitchen.

By the attire she has on I'm pretty sure she just got in.

"Matt kissed me... or tried to." I say and that makes Heidi stop mid-step.

She turns to face me, a smile sprawled on her face.

I know what she's thinking... that I've moved on.

"I'm happy you've moved on."

I told you.

"So, what did you guys have for lunch ?" Axel asks as she comes downstairs while carrying Ash.

"He took me to this vegan place, since he's vegan and we had salad... and water." I say.

Heidi sticks out her tounge in disgust and I laugh.

"You hate salads." Axel says and I nod.

They know me so well.

"I better go change." I say to no one in particular and turn to head upstairs but stop mid-step when Ash calls me.


Axel walks up to me and hands me my daughter. I pick her up and contionously kiss her cheek. She giggles but then I stop.

My face goes white as my blood stands still.

I start sniffing her and both Heidi and Axel stare at me weirdly.

"I did wash her." Axel said. "She's clean."

"It's not that." I say and they both stare at each other.

"Then what is it ?" Heidi ask.

I don't answer her but just keep on sniffing Ash.

I know that cologne way too well.

"Okay, your days of being weird are over." Heidi says while taking Ash from my hold and handing her to Axel.

"Excuse us please." She says to Axel and seconds later it's just
Heidi and I in the hallway.

"What is wrong with you ?" Heidi snaps once Axel and Ash are out of earshot.

I drop my bag on the floor and run my fingers gets through my shoulder length brunette hair.

"It's Ash." I mutter under my breath.

"What about Ash ?" Heidi asks, clearly not understanding what my problem is.

"The smell of his cologne is all over her." I say.

Heidi crosses her arms over her chest and flashes me this weird look.

"She smells like... Luka." I say, making sure to whisper the last part.

Heidi bursts out laughing but stops immediately when she sees I'm not.

"Wait... you're serious ?" She asks and I nod.

"It must be a similar cologne..."

"No ! Luka's cologne is one of a kind. He has it specially imported. No one else can afford it..."

Right now, I sound insane but I know what the hell I'm talking about.

"Cece" Heidi calls out.

I walk pass her and into the living room where Axel is happily playing with Ash.

"Hey Axel..." I called out and she looks up.

"Yeah Cece ?"

I'm quiet for a while before composing myself to ask.

"Did you have any guests over... today ?"

She shakes her head no.

"Are you sure ?" I asked again.

"I'm pretty sure." She says.

Heidi let's out a heavy breath and turns towards me.

"Cece... this is madness. You are being paranoid."

I turn to leave when Axel's voice cuts through my intense thinking.

"There were two guys..."

The hair at the back of my neck stands up.

"What did they look like ?" I ask, very well knowing the answer.

"They wer-"

"Is this one of them ?" I ask while showing Axel a picture of Luka from my phone.

"Yes" She whispers and I fall onto the ground.

I see Heidi talk to me but I can't make out what she's saying. All that my mind can process at the moment is ;

He knows...

....Luka knows.

The Bridal Swap |book 2|Where stories live. Discover now