Chapter 23 Mei's pov

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Sean is at my house.

The line runs in my mind over and over . I started running into my room and hiding certain things. One was the file I got from Anj I really didn't want him to see it.

I hear the knock on my door as Sean comes back in. And yet again he stifles a laugh. Do I really look that weird in my normal people cloths?!

"Would you please stop laughing?!" I shout quite angry. Just then He bursts out laughing "I sigh take a picture it will last longer!" I said crossing my arms.

I regret saying that. He pulls out his phone and snaps a picture of me. He smirks "Now I have the upper hand." I roll my eyes and show him towards my room.

Little does he know I have a file all about him. Thank you Anj. "This is my room there is a desk over there." He nods and heads towards it.

"Ok so what do you not get?" I hand him my packet on angles, circles, tangents, and chords. "Can I just say everything?" I cringe as he gives me the are you serious look.

I wait for him to make some remark, but he says nothing. All he does is sigh and ask of a pencil. I sit next to him and watch him draw circle after circle.

Each circle had something different and a bunch of words at the bottom. "Let's start with the first one." I nod and look back at the paper. "This is a tangent, tangent problem. The angle that the tangents form is supplementary to the first arc."

He starts to explain. It took longer than i thought to grasp these therms, but Sean was patient and explained it in a different way of i still didn't get it.

He was a amazing teacher. Maybe i don't need him to change my grades. Maybe all i need is for him to touter me, but still that would be losing.

And just the though of walking put side in these cloths, the thought just makes me shutter. I love these kinds of cloths, but i have a reputation to uphold.

Looking back at Sean i wonder. Is his life easier than mine? At least he doesn't have to care about what he looks like. I just...... "Mei?" "Huh?!"

"Mei why are you staring at me?" My face starts to turn bright red. Was i really staring at him? If i was for how long! "No reason. " i said quickly before looking back down at my home work.

I saw all of them completed. For once i understood my homework. I smiled and hugged Sean. The i realized what i was doing. I let go and turned so he wouldn't he my face red.

"Im sorry I'm just really happy i understood my homework." He smirks "Im glad to be of help. Your majesty." He fake bows as i cross my arms.

I hate when he jokes around like that, but i also kind of like it. I burst out laughing. "Whats so funny?" "You! The one for wouldn't even give me the time of day is now helping me with my homework and bowing to me."

I continue to laugh for a while. "He its getting late i should probably get going." He grabs his jacket and heads for the door. "Wait." And once again i grab is arm.

"My parents are going to be home tonight. Do you want to stay for dinner?" He thinks for a moment. "What are you having?" I run out the room for a moment to ask on of the cooks.

"Steak and rice." Another moment of thinking before he take out his phone and steps out of the room. "Hey mom." "One of my friends invited me to stay for dinner." "Thanks."

With that he started to come back and i dodged back into the room. "My mom says its ok." I smile "Great! So what do you want to do until dinner is ready?"

He points to my homework. "No." I say bluntly. I had enough of tutor Sean and i really don't want to learn anything else today. Then an idea pops into my head.

I grab his wrist and pull him towards a small room that I hide from basically everyone. My gaming room. I pulled out a gold key and slid it carefully I to the lock.

I slowly opened it to revel my nerd room.

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