Chapter 3 Mei pov.

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I woke to my Alarm clock dinging its head off. I sat up and tapped it lightly to turn it off well I was hoping it would turn off, but after a couple try's that darn thing was still clicking away. I finally lost it and smacked the thing with great force and Ah! Sweet, sweet silence. I sat for a couple minutes basking in the beautiful sunlight and silence, but I didn't get to for long.

"Lady Winter!!!!!" My maid Sara busted in the door with a megaphone and a spray bottle full of water. Let's just say I could sleep threw a hurricane if I wanted. She stopped right in her track when she saw I was up already

"Oh I see your already up then my work here is already done. Well then breakfast is in ten so carry on." She turned and walked out the room leaving me in awkward silence with myself.

I sighed and started to get dressed. My outfit today was a blue blouse with a black legging and skirt. (As you can tell I love black skirts! There so fancy!)

I smiled at myself in the mirror pleased with the look I picked out. Before heading to the dinning room I applied blush and lipstick and of corse my contacts.

I headed down to the dining hall to have breakfast with father, but he wasn't there that was strange he's always here in the morning even if he has work later.

"Excuse me Adam where is Father today?" I asked hoping I sounded normal to him "I Believe he is in London today Miss." I nodded oh thank gosh! That's a days trip back plenty of time to complete my plan.

I pretty much rushed breakfast and jumped in the car. I had a plan and a good one at that I just need every thing to happen exactly the way I plan if not then.........

Ok let's not take about that. I really listened to the lesson and due to that the day went quickly. Right as the bell rang signaling the end of the day I ran to the office to make sure no one was in there.

I smiled when I saw nobody I ran to the door marked grades no tests. Wow how convenient. I took out a bobby pin and picked the lock. It opened with a click smiling I walked in closing the door behind me. The file cabinet was right in front of me perfect i thought. Opening it to the W's I found my last name and was about to do a little tinkering when.........

I heard another click?! What! I checked the clock, nobody was suppose to be here until a half an hour from now so who could possible be here now?!

Biting my lip I look for a place to hide, but I couldn't find any! Not even a big box! Man I was really In trouble if a teacher finds me in there! Looking out the window I thought of jumping, but it was to high up and to add to that the window was sealed shut.

There was no point any more I was doomed.

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