Chapter 11 Mei's pov

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This is really weird. Every time I think about Sean my pulse races! What is happening to me?!

"Lady Winter?" I sat up from my bed and looked at the maid that just entered my room.
"Yes?" She back up a little. She must be new. "Um a cake was baked today and we want to know If you want some."

A cake? "What kind?" I love cake but my favorite dessert is Pie. "Cheese cake." Wait did she say cheese cake?! I practically sprung up off of my bed grabbed her arm and ran to the kitchen.

But instead of a cheese cake I saw my mother sitting at the kitchen table. Oh boy I get to spend time with my bossy mother. Yay. I roll my eyes. "What is it?" I asked wanting to go back to bed and dream about Sean.

Wait did I really just think that?! Ok now I am scared. Really scared. Why do I think about him so much!!!!!! I was snapped out of my own thoughts by my mothers voice "Didn't you father tell you I had some time off work?"

She asked with a sad look in her eyes. "He didn't not a word." I answered with a yawn after "Well get dressed we are going shopping. Ok?" I raised my eye brow "Are you paying?" She nodded that's all I need I ran to my room to change.

I hopped in the car and we headed to the mall. The most beautiful place ever! I went to all my favorite stores and got all the things I wanted which wasn't as many things as you think. It was like fourteen things.

I was very happy until my mother pointed at a book store. No! I can't go in there! What if people from school see me! But my mom insisted so I heaved a heavy sigh and walked into the store filled with horrible words and paper.

My mom told me to go look she mean really look at the books in the teen fiction. So I walked to the area marked teen fiction and looked at the books and saw a book that looked good. I picked it up walked over to a chair and started reading.

The first couple chapters was amazing! How could the guy be so rude to the main character! I kept reading and didn't notice a shadowy figure in front of me. I thought that it was my mother so I just ignored them until I heard a certain voice.

"Mei? Is that you?" Wait that voice it can't be........

I looked up into a pair of chocolate brown eyes. "S-Sean?!" I jumped back a little ok I thought it would be bad if my friends found me, but this is bad! "What are you doing here Sean?" I asked while trying not to sound to worried.

"Getting a book for my English class you?" Well of course it would be for school. But what am I going to say! I just have to leave but knowing him that's not going to happen. So I went with plan B.

"Wait right here." I sat him in a chair and ran to find my mom. I finally found her in the nonfiction area. I trapped her on the shoulder "Hello Mei you find something?" My eyes shifted to where Sean was sitting

"Yes and no. I handed her the book "Can you get this book for me and give me like 50 bucks?" She nodded "Why?" "I a.... Found a friend and I want to hang out with them!" I smiled trying not to give anything away

She smiled and sighed "Sure go have fun meet me at the car in one hour. Ok?" I nodded and grabbed the money and ran to Sean. "Oh your back......Woah!" I pulled him out of the store and as far away from the store as possible.

We some how ended up at the food court which was really ironic because I wanted a smoothie. "Do you want anything?" He raised his eye brow "What?"'I asked kind of mad that he was giving me that look.

"It's just weird that you would be conceited to a nerd like myself." He said quite sarcastically I rolled my eyes "I'm not heartless you know." I said while punched his shoulder lightly and smiled "Now tell me what you want! Idiot!"

He smirked ok that was cute! What?! Why did I just think that! "A straw.r.y s.o.tie." I leaned closer "A what?" "A strawberry smoothie." I smiled and walked up to the smoothie women and ordered "You two are adorable together!"

She said as she handed me our smoothies "what?" "You two are dating right?" I kind of jumped back a bit "No! We aren't!" She looked a little sad "Well you two act like it and you two are cute together." I walked back to Sean who was of course should have known. Reading.

I take the book from him and replaced it with the drink "Hey!" He tried to grab the book back, but instead of getting the book he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. We awkwardly looked into each other in the eyes.

Ok I know this is usually the part where the two kiss and fall in love, but that is not going to happen.

Or will it?

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