Chapter 15 Mei's Pov

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I walked into the school early then I usually do because I need to talk to her. Her is a stalker that knows everything about anyone if you ask and for the right price. I stood out side of a dark door and waited for the sign in the window to turn green.

I heard a click and a boy came out he looked sad, but other wise ok. I think. He looked at me and told me I could go in. I stepped in causally to a table with two chairs. "Can I help you?" I jumped and turned to see a girl with long black hair and a Lama hat on.

Ok I would never expect a scary person to be this. "Yes I need to know somethings please." She pointed to the chair. "I am Anj I know everything about everyone in this school. Who do you need to know about?" I gulped

"Sean Summer." She raised an eye brow. "So why does a popular like yourself need information about the biggest geek in the school?" I sat straighter "that is my business not yours besides you do have a price for you work right?" She nodded

"Well I can give you better than that if you don't go looking into why I am asking for this ok?" She slouched a bit and thought, but nodded in the end. I pull out Dan and Phil merchandise and put it on the table.

Her eyes widened "How did you get this?! It is only given out in the UK!" I smirked "I have my ways. Now the info." Anj got up and walked to a old rusted file cabinet. It took her a while but soon enough she handed me a file with the name Sean Summer on it.

I opened it and read the papers. I found what I wanted and sighed. I smiled and handed her the video post card handing her back the file. "Remember I was never here. Got it." She rolls her eyes and nodded.

I got what I wanted, but was it enough?

💕💕Authors note!💕💕
I'm so sorry that this chapter was so short, but this part is important to what I'm going to write later. Ok? So please don't hate me!
Thank you
- Chococat-24

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