Chapter 21: Waking up in a bundle

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Chapter 21
Waking Up In A Bundle

Bakugou's POV:

I thrashed around trying to get away from his body. Everything hurt, I wanted him off of me. His eyes dark and piercing. He was mad that I wasn't listening to him.

"Off! Dad! Hurts!" I cried as he continued. I let out a piercing scream to which he covered my mouth, fingernails digging into my hip.

"Shut up slut!" The man yelled. I sobbed, shaking with pain.

It went on for hours, my body hurting. I passed out every few minutes but woke up to pain. My sobs got louder and I screamed a few times. He only covered my mouth when I got too loud. He hurt me so much times, I should've been used to it. But I wasn't.

I had woken up for real from someone shaking me. My eyes shot open and I instantly freaked out. "Get off! Get off!" I yelled, letting some explosions go off until it stopped suddenly. That freaked me out more. "It hurts! Get off of me! Hurts! Off!" I sobbed, trying to yank my hands free. I kicked my legs, someone groaning in pain, my body withering. Blacking out a few times, I had fully awaken. My body stilled as I breathed heavily.

"Bakugou, can you hear me?" I nodded. "Do you remember your first name?" I shook my head. "Your name is Katsuki, Bakugou. Do you remember me?" The tiredness in his voice reminded me of my sensei. A... Az... No. Ai... Aizawa I think.

I felt my bottom lip wobble. Opening my mouth to speak, nothing came out. Everything was really bright and I could barely move any of my limps. I could only move my head and mouth. That's when the voice started speaking again.

"I'm your teacher, Aizawa. Kirishima, can you go get Recovery Girl, Sero and Midoriya, go with him. Bakugou, just keep your eyes open. Okay?" Then I noticed how my eye lids got heavier and the way my vision went black every so often. "Keep them open little one, you've still got so much ahead of you. Remember that, keep them open. You still got your mom, Midoriya, me, the class, Kirishima, so don't close them."

Fighting against it, my mouth let out small whimpers. What was happening to my body? Why was it reacting this way all of a sudden?

The last things I heard was the tired voice saying, "No, no! Keep them open!" And then a loud sob as if I was dying.


"Trauma... His body was only reacting that way because of trauma."

"As for Todoroki?"

"Panic attack, we had to hook him up to a machine to help him breathe. His breathing went short, etc. But he's getting better now."

Opening my eyes, I looked to the side. I saw two shadowy figures, one short as hell and the other taller. My eyebrow furrowed at them until they came in view. They both looked at me, the tall one sighing in relief.

He walked over. "Good, you're awake," he said, sitting down in the seat.

"Aizawa?" I whispered. It came out rough but the raven haired man didn't mind. All he did was nod, a small smile curling on his pink lips. Why'd I even notice that in the first place?

He ended up talking to me for a while before the other person woke up. They groaned loudly before they gasped and shot up from the bed. "Bakugou! Where is he?" He began stumbling out of the bed, tripping over himself. Panic most likely over rose him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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