Chapter 11: True Colors

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Of course, Kirishima couldn't keep his hands off me. He kept putting his arm around my shoulder, his hand on my shoulder, around my waist. Is this how relationships are!?

Once we arrive at my house, Kirishima says, "Can I talk to your mom?"

Aizawa just looks at me and gives me a tight smile. I sigh, looking back at the house. "Sure," I say, walking up to the small steps. Now, all I hope is that dad isn't home and mom has no bruises nor cuts.

I place my hand on the door knob and stare. Please don't be home.. my friend is here.. not friend exactly, more like my boyfriend.. I close my eyes and open the door. Kirishima and I walk in, Aizawa staying outside. Kirishima closes the door behind and I look at him, unaware of how much fear is planted in my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," whispers Kirishima.

I open my mouth but is cut off short by someone yelling. And I know that yelling is my dad. "Stupid ass whore!" Is what he yells.

My head whips towards Kirishima's. "Get out," I whisper. "Go, you have to go." I plead, placing my hand on his chest.

Kirishima looks ahead, but puts his hand on top of mine. "Is everything okay here?" He asks, still looking ahead.

I hear someone run downstairs, and is weeping. I look at Kirishima's eyes, wide.

"K-Katsuki?" Mom says in a mere whisper. I look at her, tears staining her cheeks, while her lip is bruised and bleeding. Her eyes dart from me to Kirishima. "Katsuki, go," she whispers, walking to me. "I shouldn't have asked you to come over!"

"Mitsuki!" Dad yells.

"You, red haired boy," mom quickly points at Kirishima. Kirishima points at himself, and mom nods. "Take my son out of here!" She still talks in a mere whisper.

"Your coming too," says Kirishima.

Every sound is drowned out as I stare at mom. That bastard, he hurt my mom. Before I even know it, I'm being dragged out by Kirishima, my mom too, as Aizawa walks inside, setting his goggles into place.

"No!" I yell. "Let me settle this!" I try breaking out of Kirishima's grasp and reach towards the door. My eyes stay widen as the door closes, leaving us outside.

I burst into tears as Kirishima says, "Yes, hello, please come to 78th street, address 550." I still sob, trying to reach the door, but my boyfriend holds me back. "That's just my boyfriend, now hurry, bring the ambulance!" Kirishima yells, throwing his phone to the side.

"Mrs Bakugou," Says Kirishima. "Please look out for the ambulance."

Kirishima lowers himself, making me lower too. As he's on the pavement, he sets me down on his lap.

"Katsuki," mom says, kneeling down. "Calm down, the police and ambulance is coming. Your father will be gone."


I stare at my father, being held and taking into the police car as he yells at my mother and I.

"Thank you Erasure Head," a police officer says. "You did a great job handling him."

"It my pleasure to help," says Aizawa, bowing and putting his goggles up.

My eyes dart to my mom sitting in the ambulance truck. I make my way to her as I leave Kirishima to explain to the- cat police officer?..

"Hey Katsuki," my mom says moving her hand out.

I look at her hand. "Will he be gone forever..?" I ask, taking her hand.

Before mom can answer, the cat officer comes to us with another police officer. "Can you please tell us what had happend? And how long this has been going on for?"

"Well," my mom looks at me. I give her a nod. "It started when my son came out as transgender, he was only ten then. Masaru didn't take it well, while I did. Of course I had to protect my one and only child. But that didn't stop Masaru from abusing us. He took most of his anger out on Katsuki, and while he was at school, his father would..."


I was back at UA dorms, eye wided. I didn't try to talk at all. Kirishima stayed by me most of the time. The only thing that was bothering me is that I have to go to court.

"Hey, is Bakugou okay?" Ashido asks Kirishima.

"I'm fine," I say, but stare blankly at the floor. I raise my hand and bring it to my face, allowing a explosion to go off.

"Bakugou!" Both Ashido and Kirishima says. "Don't do that!" Kirishima exclaims, taking his hand into mine. I look at my hand interlocked with Kirishima's.

"Wait," Ashido looks at our hands. "Don't tell me.." she says, ending with a squeal. Kirishima nods. "Oh my gosh!" She squeals again before running off.

I pull at my shirt, knowing it's almost been eight hours. My grip tightens on Kirishima's hand as the entrance door opens. I look back at who it was with Kiri. Now it's Kirishima's turn to tighten his grip, because, the person at the door.. is Kaminari and bags, aka Shinsou.

"Kiri," I say, looking at him. "Let's go to my room." I go to stand up but he pulls me back down. "I don't want to be here when Kaminari is here.."

Kirishima sighs and looks at me, tears in his eyes, "Fine," he sighs out. We both make our way to the stairs before Shinsou speaks up.

"Where are you guys going?" He asks, as I turn to look at him. A smirk is planted on his face.

"Don't-" Kirishima says before I cut him off.

"Up stairs, why?" I say, then becoming controlled over his quirk. Shit, I forgot about his quirk.

"Don't do this Shinsou!" Kirishima pleads while I stand there frozen. "Please, just leave us alone, I don't want anything to do with you."

"Katsuki Bakugou," says Shinsou, "Show your true colors."

No.. I try to break from his control, but can't. As I'm still fighting on the inside, the outside of my body pulls up my sleeve, reveling my cuts. I hear myself sniffle and feel a tear drip down my face.

"Bakugou," says Kirishima, grabbing my shoulders. "Shinsou stop it."


As Shinsou stops using his quirk, I quickly pull down my sleeves, and wipe my eye. I look at the purple haired male, whom who smirks.

"This will be exciting news," he says.

"Babe, can we go?" Kaminari asks.

I sigh. My scars were already shown. I tug on Kirishima's sleeve and put a foot on the step.

"Bakugou, why are you cutting?" He asks in a mere whisper, looking at me. I shrug my shoulders and start walking up the stairs. Kirishima following.


Help me. I'm all over the place.

Also let me know if you want a Eraser Mic book!

Please feel free to comment and vote. I'm not putting pressure into yous. Have a good day/night y'all!


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