Chapter 3: He's back

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A/N: Hey guys, I decided that Kirishima just went to his place, His phone died and he didn't know what was going on. I was planning on making him get captured, but since his mother's was the closest, he decided to stay there for the night. And yes I know that the UA News said that he went missing, but Kirishima just thought that it would be okay and they would know he's okay. Yes, Bakugou started crying, which is not in his league, but we all know he truly cares for the people he loves the most. Especially Midoriya and Kirishima. So sorry about the confusion in this Chapter. Enjoy.

Through out half of the day, Kaminari gives me dirty looks. It makes me uncomfortable. Kaminari thinks I did naughty stuff with Kirishima. I can't and I don't want to do these stuff right now. If they find out that I'm truly a female and not a male, they probably won't want to be friends with me. Kirishima will probably think of me as less manly. And I wouldn't want that.

Some of us argue, saying that Kiri wouldn't be lost because of me. Yes, I believe it. If I had walked him back, he wouldn't have been taken. I was already taken from the LOV, they found out I was female, and one of them even raped me as I was there. I didn't like that at all.

"Woah, what's going on here?" We all turn around and see... Kirishima..? "Why are you guys fighting?"

"What the fuck shitty hair?!" I run towards him. "Where the Fuck were You?"

"I thought you were at your mom's Bakugou," Kirishima puts his hand on my cheek. "Why do you sound worried?"

"Kirishima!" Aizawa walks towards us. "Where were You?" He grabs his shoulders and makes Kirishima look at him. "We thought you went missing."

"I was at my mo-" Kirishima glances over at me, I have tears in my eyes. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry Aizawa-Sensai! I should have texted you before my phone died, my God, Bakugou, I'm sorry for making you worry!" He breaks out of Aizawas grip and hugs me.

"Kirishima?" Kaminari walks to us. "I was so worried..! Bakugou was so worried too, he even cried for almost an hour this morning."

Yeah, now he acts like he never said anything. After all, I'm use to it, I get dirty looks ànd bad insults in my daily life anyway.

"Oh, Bakugou," Kirishima says. "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Kirishima breaks the hug, he hugs his boyfriend for almost straight twenty minutes. After awhile, Kirishima keeps telling all of us that he's sorry, and should have informed them. I knew he came and seen me, but he should have informed them before coming to my place.


After playing some Mario Cart on the Switch with Kiri and Kami, I head upstairs to my room. My chest is hurting, so I decied to take my binder off for an hour. Well, I'll be staying in my room for an hour, since Yayarozu is making supper right now with Aizawa.

I take my binder off and lie on my bed. I close my eyes for awhile. Ping!
I grab my phone. Mina texted me.

Racoon eyes: Hey Bakugou, coming to your room to hang out for awhile
Explosion Murder: what? no
Racoon eyes: already here

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I put my phone down quickly and rush to the door. "What the hell Racoon eyes!?" I lean against the door.

"Bakugou, I swear, I will use my acid to burn your door if you don't let me in," Mina threatens.

Before I can say anything, my door is pushed opened. I catch myself before my face hits the ground. "Shut the door.." I get up and keep my back towards her. She closes the door.

"So Bakugou," She starts. "Wanna talk about stuff?" She turns me around and I gasp.
She gasps afterwards too.

"Mina, I-" I quickly turn around and walk away.

"Bakugou," Mina walks towards me. "Your a female..?"

I flinch at the word female, "No.. yes I am, on the outside.." I cover my face. "But on the inside... I.."

"Your a male on the inside.." Mina grabs my shoulders. "Bakugou, it's okay, your a trans male, yes I get it." She kisses my cheek. "It took me awhile to get these," She motions towards her chest.

I look at her confused. "What do you mean..?"

"Look Bakugou," She looks at me in the eyes. "I'm a trans female, I was naturally a male, well still kinda. I was only able to afford top surgery, now I'm waiting to become a pro hero, get money, so I can afford my bottom surgery."

"Your," I can't help but smile. "I'm so Happy there's someone like me..!"

We hug for awhile. I'm just so happy that Mina is like me.

"Have you came out to anyone yet?" I ask.

"Only Aizawa knows that I'm trans. I mean look at me, do I look like a girl?" She backs up and move her hands up and down her body.

"You have curves, and your thick. So yeah, you do look like a girl," I scan her body. "And I'm not trying to be sexual, I was just saying that you have curves and all."

"I know your not Bakugou," She pats my head. "And look at you! The body of a man, the muscles, oh wait! Did you go on T?!"

"Yeah I did, but I always had muscles," I look at my bed. "Izuku and I always use to roam the bushes and explore I guess? For goodness sakes, he doesn't even know I'm trans." I face palm.

"Izuku? Isn't that Midoriya? Or perhaps Deku?" She looks at me confused.

"Yeah, Izuku Midoriya," I rub the back of my head. "I know I call him Deku, it's just, he was bo- Uhm, when we were young, he always got hurt and all. Kids said that he was Worth less and weak, so I just joined them. For me, Deku stands for Defensless Izuku. He was always so Defensless and all when we were young, so I gave him that nickname. I regret it now."

"Oh, Bakugou," She cups my cheek. "Have you ever thought of apologizing to Midoriya?" I nod. "Just take your time, I'll go now. Supper should be done in a few. Put your binder on and meet us downstairs."

"Thanks Mina," I say, She nods and walks out. Before I take off my shirt, I lock the door. Afterwards, I take off my shirt and bra, then put on my binder.

Aight, this is chapter 2 or 3... I'm not sure.. But I decided, why not make another trans character. And that is Mina Ashido! Yes yes, this is still focusing on Bakugou, but I didn't want to make him feel alone, so I made a trans female...
Hope you enjoyed this Chapter..

Trans!Bakugou AU Where stories live. Discover now