Chapter 10: "I love you so much,"

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Bakugou's POV:

After Todoroki left the room, I burst into tears and I cover my mouth.
"Fuck.." I mutter to myself so many times. "Your so worthless. No body loves you. Your forever alone.." I fall onto my knees. "Can't even do anything yourself.. Others need to save your own ass.." I say in a mere whisper.

I stay sitting on the floor for a solid two minutes before getting up. I sat on the bed and grab my blade. Before I even do anything, I turn up my music, loud enough so no one can hear me. I put the blade against my skin and close my eyes.


I let out a loud scream because of the stinging. Sobs overwhelm me and my vision goes blurry due to the tears.

After ten minutes my sobs quiet down, and I clean my cuts.
Die you whore

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth. That was not my voice, but sounded like my father. I shake my head and continue to clean my cuts. After I'm done cleaning, I grab my ace bandages. Strange. I used these to bind before..

Will anyone care if I die?
What about Kirishima?
He doesn't want you alive.
My Mom?
She doesn't love you.

I shake my head and wrap my arm with the ace bandages. I stand up and clean the puddle of blood that formed. Music still blasting.

As soon as I turn down the music, there's a knock on my door. I look down at my chest. All I need to do is put on a baggy sweater then I'm good. I walk to my closet and find a baggy sweater. Once I find one, I put it on and there's another knock.

"Come in," I say, wiping my eyes.

The door opens and closes behind. "Bakugou," says the tired voice I know.

I turn around and look at Aizawa. "Yes?" I manage to say.

"Todoroki told me about the music. Please keep it down," says Aizawa, scratching the back of his neck. "And Kirishima said he heard screaming."

My eyes widen. No, he couldn't have heard that. "Tch, that wasn't me." I lie.

Aizawa looks at me sternly. "Okay. And your mom wants you to visit on the weekend," he says as he heads to the door. "I'll go now, keep the music down."

As he leaves, I go and lock the door. Why Mom? I don't like going there when dads there.. I sit on my bed and sigh.

Time skip: The Weekend

Now that it's the weekend, I go back to the house. The place I dislike the most. The place where my father lives. After I'm done packing my bag, I put on my binder. And slowly make my way down the stairs.

"Hey! Bakubro!" Kirishima calls and waves. "You heading back home?" Asks the spikey red haired male.

I nod and take a deep breath. "Yes, I am," I say sternly. I look up at him and he smiles, the bright smile, with the sharp cute teeth he has. I watch his lips move.

"Uh, Bakugou?" I snap out of my thoughts and look at Kirishima in the eye. "You good?" He asks.

I quickly back up, unaware of how close I got to him. "O-oh, um.." I scratch my head. "I have to go now, yeah?" I turn towards the door, starting to walk as Kirishima walks behind me. Don't follow me. I was just drooling over you and now your following me!?

"We have to wait for Mr Aizawa," says the red haired boy as he grabs my shoulder.


"Yeah. I told you I was going with you, well just for a walk?" Kirishima says. "Did you not hear me?" He asks.

"No, I'm sorry," I apologize, a crimson red taking over my face.

"It's okay," Kirishima says, taking my hand, and leading me outside also out of sight so the other students wouldn't see. "I know it hasn't even been like a week or two, but you have always been there for me. Even when Kaminari cheated on me."

"K-kirishima?" I take a deep breath. Was my friend starting to develop a crush on me? "I know I have been there, I just want to help you," I say looking up to his eyes. When he leans closer to me, my breath catches. His red eyes sparkle, and he looks happier.

Kirishima closes his eyes. "Bakugou, it hasn't even been two weeks, and I just love you so much," confesses Kirishima. "I love you so much, just way too much. Your always there and I want to be there for you. I want you to feel safe." He reopens his eyes, but they widen in no time.

I move my free hand and wipe away the tears that already spilled from my tear line. "Eijirou, I-I.." I groan and place my head on his chest. "Why are you such an idiot?" I ask, letting out a soft chuckle.

"Kats?" I look back up at Kirishima. "I'm being serious, I want to be with you. I can take things slow if you'd like to, I just want to be with you."

My hand snakes up the back of his neck and I pull him down without hesitation. My lips crash onto his, and I take a moment to savour this special moment. I pull back, only to be pulled back again by Kirishima. (Keep in mind, I'm not a great kisser, I lack of experience, while Kirishima is full of experience.) Kirishima bites my bottom lip softly, making me part my lips. He takes this chance to put his tounge into my mouth. I stay still, not knowing what to do, and allow Kirishima to take control. His tounge brushes against mine and explores my mouth. Wait.. My mouth!?

I pull away quickly, gasping for air, and coughing. Kirishima also pants and gasps for air. His lips were just on mine, his tounge was on mine. I move my hand up to my lips and lightly brush my fingers against my lips.

"I'm sorry," Kirishima apologizes, "I got to excited," he pants out.

"How did you..?" I close my eyes. "How did your tounge even get in my mouth..?" I ask, still wondering how I'm not tasting blood yet.

Kirishima looks at me. "Oh, just didn't bite down to hard. I have to be careful when that happens, and I didn't want to hurt you." I reopen my eyes and Kirishima walks close to me. "Does this mean you like me?" He asks.

I smirk. "I don't like you," I say. Kirishima's eyes widen, and his expression turns sad. "I love you."

A smile perks up onto Kirishima's lips and he hugs me. "Bakubro..!" Squeals Kirishima. "Does this mean we can be in a relationship?" He asks, squeezing me.

"K-Kiri.." I grab onto his shoulders. "M-my chest.." tears start to form at my tear line. Kirishima quickly lets go of me but holds my waist.

"I'm sorry!" He says in a baby voice. "I keep forgetting, 'cause before I found out you were trans, I just thought you were born cis. Now that I know, it's hard to remember that you have a binder on to hide your chest from the others." He puts his head on my shoulder, "I'm sorry."

I run my fingers through his spikey red hair. "Its fine," I say, a bump forming in my throat. "Its fine.."

"I talked to my mom about the surgery," says Kirishima.

"Really!?" I move him back so I can look at him properly. "What did she say?"

Kirishima smiles, tears forming at his tear line. "She wants to help you," he says before bursting into tears. "She gonna pay for your surgery and talk with your mom," he sobs out.

I cover my mouth. I don't deserve this guy. I don't deserve Kirishima. "I'll tell my mom!" I quickly say, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Thank you! I don't deserve you.."


Well. Your at the end of this chapter. How do you think it was?

Have a great day women, men, non-binary people!


(Oh yeah, sorry for the change but I changed my name to Owen)

Trans!Bakugou AU Where stories live. Discover now