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Jennie was walking down the hallway when he heard his uncle, shouting from the guard's room.

"You are all useless! You just let the little man escape THAT easy?!" The man shouted, eyes twitching and fist clenching due to the frustration he feels. Jaehyun, Mingi, Yunho, Jongho and Mark were all had their head bowed down.

"Where did he go this time? And he haven't got home yet!?"

Jennie thought, she immediately dashed towards Jongin's room. As she reached the room, she saw the door opened and his younger brother's butler, sitting next to Jongin who seemed to have a deep talk with him.

"What do we do? They're searching for him." Sehun questioned calmly but internally, he was panicking, "trust him. I know Hongjoong for so long." Jongin replied, calming the other who was deeply in thoughts. Without any warning, Jennie barged inside the room that made the two surprise, "where is Hongjoong?! Uncle is very upset about this event!" She informed, closing the door behind them.

Sehun flinched at the lady's action making him step back, "he's fine. Let him be. Quiri has been suffocating him, he wanted freedom." Jongin informed, earning a loud scoff from Jennie, "so you know this all along?! If uncle found out, you're gonna get beaten for sure." She blurted, acquiring a nod from Jongin who seemed unfazed about the threat.

The lady huffed, gently sitting at the swivel chair. Jongin's room filled with silence, "you let him be?" Jennie questioned but calm this time, the other just hummed in response, "and you know too?" The lady inquired, shifting her attention to Sehun who was fixing things, "y-yes.. I apologize for not informing you." Sehun responded, stacking the medicines inside the kit he was holding.

"Holy shit."

Mingi is currently walking down the hallways when he sighted his master, Jennie. "Lady, what are youd doing here? Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Mingi asked, approaching Jennie who was struggling to move on her own, "I told you to call me noona, not lady." She replied, holding onto Mingi's shoulder for support, "the guards are currently searching for your brother noona, do you have any commands or notes before I search with them?" The man questioned, leading the lady to her room, "don't search for him. Please." Jennie pleaded, tightening his hold at the man's shoulder.

The man was confused, "I know it sounds stupid or irrational, but don't. Let him enjoy the freedom he wants." Jennie informed, smiling at Mingi. The guard couldn't help but to sigh, that's the order, he should do it. "Okay noona, but if you want to search for him, I'll help them." Mingi noted, opening Jennie's door, "thank you. Tell Jongho also not to search for him. I'm sure Jongin had already informed Yunho about it." Jennie stated, entering her room and bowed. Mingi just nodded and closed the door.

Hongjoong is currently walking around the Starless, finding someone to trick. He wanted to see the reaction of a person from the villa.

"Now who... oh, this one, the long haired."

He silently grabbed a harmless insects from his pockets, planning on putting at the man's collar to frighten him. As he was about to approach the long hair, a man swiftly carried him, "no. Not today or ever, Hongjoong." The captain exclaimed, drawing the attention of the long haired.

The young Kim huffed, throwing the insects somewhere at the bush, "oh! Hello Seonghwa! There's a new person here!? Hello!" The long haired greeted, smiling at the young Kim geniually, "I'm Johnny!" The tall guy introduced himself and smiled again.

Seonghwa smiled at Johnny, "this is Hongjoong, new person to Starless." Seonghwa stated, showing Hongjoong who was still wearing his clothes from Quiri, "who wears like that!? Don't worry Hongjoong, i'll send a lot of clothes later, where's your house?" Johnny asked, "just deliever it to my home, he lives with me." The captain responded, earning a surprise reaction from Johnny but nodded later on, "see you around!" The tall man voiced out, then leaving the area.

"People here are friendly, except for that lady I bumped into."

The captain looked at him, "stop looking at me like that, you're so creepy." Hongjoong hissed, gaining a giggle from Seonghwa who was just watching him getting furious.

Reaching Seonghwa's home, Hongjoong quickly dashed towards the man's room and closed the doors. Seonghwa just laughed at such action and there, he sighted Jin standing by the kitchen.

Jin approached the man, "do you really trust him?" He questioned, looking at Seonghwa worrily, "I do. I know him hyung." The younger replied, giving Jin an assuring smile, "alright. I trust you Park Seonghwa." Jin stated and left the house. Seonghwa just giggled and walked to the kitchen to eat something that his Seokjin-hyung cooked earlier.

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