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Night time chimed in, Hongjoong couldn't believe that a day has passed, him being free and the peaceful surroundings.

"Hongjoong, dinner's ready." Seokjin called, placing the last glass beside a plate. He went downstairs and sighted Seonghwa and two other man, he assume that it's Seonghwa's brothers or cousins.

As he sat beside Seonghwa, he saw how the other man who called, looked at him. He felt like that the man was sending daggers towards him. "Who are you? Where are you from? Why are you here?" Seokjin fired so many questions at him as he was about to eat, "I'm Hongjoong, I don't know, I don't know." Hongjoong replied, then continued on eating.

Seonghwa just giggle at the young man's attitude, "that's not right to answer an elder, Hongjoong." Seonghwa stated, sipping the grape juice in his glass, Seokjin's eyes immediately darted towards Seonghwa, "who's old huh? Don't make me feel like I'm in my 70s!" The elder scoffed, making the three giggle.

"I wished that we are happy like this."

The young Kim didn't reacted but continued on eating, he feels so jealous on how Seonghwa's family treats him. It's just so unfair.

"By the way, Johnny had just delievered some clothes. I placed it at the cabinet next to our bed." Seonghwa notified, earning a curious look from Jimin, "OUR?" Jimin questioned, earning a laugh from Seokjin that made Seonghwa blush, "you know Mimi, you teach Hwa so much." Seokjin replied, making Jimin laugh, then earned a light slap.

Hongjoong felt embarras but flustered at the same time. He wanted the land to eat him alive. "Since he's living here, why don't we share?" Seonghwa responded, making Hongjoong's face change into a surprised one, "don't worry, I won't sleep next to you." The captain added and continued on munching his food.

"What the hell am I thinking?!"

After they ate dinner, Jimin and Seokjin went home. "Who are they?" Hongjoong asked, stacking the plates, "Kim Seokjin is the elder while Park Jimin is the other." Seonghwa replied, grabbing the plates from the other's hand, "they are my family. They were there since I was 20." He added, putting the plates to the sink.

"Since 20? How old is he?"

"I'm 23 years old, 3 years with me." Seonghwa informed, shocking the other as if he read his mind. Seonghwa was currently cleaning the dishes, while Hongjoong was sitting at the dinner table, watching the other.

"He's so lucky. He has everything. Good family, good reputation, good personality, what else doesn't he have?"

The other thought, placing his elbow above the dinner and leaned his head at his palm, just like a person looking at the love of his life.

"He's just standing there, looking immaculate. He radiates different energies, I envy everything about him."

He said internally, frowning as the thought that he was far away from the other's persona. Hongjoong sighed at such thought, he never knew that this someone could exist.

"I know what you're thinking, Kim. Me looking all perfect blah blah. No. I have my imperfections too." Seonghwa suddenly blurted, surprising the other making him straightened his seat, "people would always see me as the 'perfect captain' which isn't really me. I have insecurities and fears too." He added, sitting at the opposite side of Hongjoong.

The two are now sitting, facing each other. Hongjoong is mesmerized seeing the captain, he has a very good facial features. He was just there staring at him, he wasn't even blinking, he never knew a man could be this breath taking.

"Hey? Are you listening?" Seonghwa questioned, snapping out of his thoughts, "y-yes-yes I am listening." Hongjoong replied, slapping himself internally for stuttering. "You better go to sleep, maybe you're tired." The captain stated, standing up from the chair, "I should really." The young Kim replied, leaving the dinner room quickly.

As Hongjoong left, Seonghwa was there, contemplating his desicions. On the other hand, the young Kim was at the bathroom, sitting under the shower as he thought the scene earlier.

"What the fuck was that!? Did I just stared at him for so long and didn't listened to his thoughts?"

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