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"Hyung! Chanyeol-hyung sent us a letter!" Hueningkai informed, shouting while waving the envelope he was holding. It's been a week since Jimin told his tale about his first love and some thoughts aren't leaving Hongjoong anytime. The loud young man's voice caught Seonghwa who was busy talking to his lover.

"It's Hyuka. Wait a minute, love." Seonghwa absent mindly spoke, swiftly walking close to Hueningkai who was holding the envelope. The sudden call of a name made Hongjoong flustered, Seonghwa would always call him irritating nicknames when he's about to do something.

After receiving the envelope, Seonghwa went back beside Hongjoong who is sitting at the bench in front of his house. "I got the letter." He informed, sitting next to Hongjoong. The chair was too small for the the two of them to fit, and this was noticed by Seonghwa even though he was curious what is written inside. Hongjoong on the other side, being pushed down to his chair, stood up and let the captain took all the space.

"This kid."

The young Kim sighed, as he was about to leave, the captain pulled him by the waist and made him sat at his lap. Currently, Hongjoong is sitting at Seonghwa's lap, while the captain's one hand is holding his waist, while the other one is holding a rectangular paper.

"It's a wedding invitation. The whole villa is invited." The captain spoke, pulling Hongjoong closer to him. The young Kim, being curious what the letter looks like, he grabbed Seonghwa's wrist and read ths invitation.

Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun's

You are invited for the Park's and Byun's special day!

Village : Unbi

Time : 2:30PM

"Is this how the wedding invitations should be? I haven't into any weddings so I don't really have any idea." Hongjoong asked curiously, eyes on the paper, "hmm, people have different styles on how they do things, so I guess this is okay." Seonghwa replied placing his chin at the young Kim's shoulder. "Ah I see, but this invitation's design is gorgeous, I like it." The young Kim commented, looking at the flowers attached at the paper, "yeah. It's pretty, like you," Seonghwa giggled, earning a light slap from Hongjoong.

While the two was having their moment, Jimin and Seokjin was watching them from a far.

"They look so happy, hyung." Jimin stated, earning a smile from Seokjin, "finally, Seonghwa had found his home." The elder Kim responded, smiling sweetly as he looked at Seonghwa who's smile is geniune.

- - - - - - - -

The next day, Hongjoong found himself in a not so majestic attire but a heavy one. He was wearing a plain white blouse and a black squarepants along with the heavy accessories. Seonghwa was wearing a plain white blouse along with a brown cardingan and black pants.

"Why am I wearing this necklace? And this earrings?" The young Kim questioned, one eyebrow raised at Seonghwa who was busy combing his hair, "Jimin-hyung told me so and you look fine with it." The captain stated, walking closer to him. "Well this thing is—" before Hongjoong could finish his sentence, he was lifted from the ground. "But if you're uncomfortable with it, you can remove it." The captain interjected, smiling at Hongjoong who was internally panicking.

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