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It was getting late, the two went home to rest after dealing with a lot of ladies and guys they meet around the tree, many even asked them they knew each other for long.

"Being a captain is diffucult, doesn't it?" Hongjoong stated, softly giggling automatically making Seonghwa's lips to curve into a smile, "it is. At first, I thought no one's gonna notice it." The captain replied, and the young Kim responded with a nod.

Weird. They make each other's heart beat in an unusual way, but the two decided to shrug those feelings, maybe because it is their first time hearing or to feel those from someone.

While both of them are happily-awkward talking to each other, someone called the captain. "Wait, let me answer that," Seonghwa stood up, then waked towards the door to see who was knocking.

Opening the door, it revealed a young lady. Hongjoong assumes that the lady and captain knows each other just by how they look at each other and talk to each other.

'This must be a cousin or something blood related to him.'

He thought, nodding, Hongjoong felt relieved somehow due to his conclusion about the relations of two. Seonghwa let the lady enter the living room, "Hongjoong, this is Yoojin, she's a friend of mine." The captain stated, smiling.

'Oh, she must be a very close friend of his.'

His relief was immediately washed away when he saw how the lady look at the captain adorably. He get it, maybe the captain is her role model or crush.

"How are things here, Hwa? The Starless became more peaceful and happy when I came here." Yoojin spoke sweetly, maybe it's the tone of her voice, "everything's fine, you already see it." Seonghwa responded, sitting beside Hongjoong who looks like a kid who's sulking.

The captain is less attentive to those kinds of details, reason why he misses a lot about the young Kim. Hongjoong reluctantly stood up, left the living room as his eyes couldn't take what it sees anymore.

But Seonghwa noticed him leaving, he just let the young Kim do what he pleases. The captain thought that he'll just talk to him later, after Yoonji left

To be sure the young Kim locked the door room, then plopped onto the captain's bed, his blood has been boiling since the lady came but he doesn't know why.

"Why am I feeling like this? What is this? Why am I pissed off? For what?" He asked himself, eyes squinted in annoyance. He has been feeling mad these days for nothing or so he thought.

Silent occupied the room, he's mind still fogged with madness. He's thinking, did they fell in love? Have they made out? Hongjoong continued on thinking until the door downstairs went open. The young Kim swiftly stood up from the bed and dashed to the balcony.

"Thank you for welcoming me, Hwa. I missed you." Yoojin stated, smiling sweetly at the captain who's distance is quite far from her, "always welcome to stop by, Yoojin." Seonghwa replied, nodded.

When he was about to enter his house, Yoojin pulled him into a hug. The captain was taken aback at such action but didn't hugged back. As the two of them parted apart, the lady planted a quick kiss at the captain's cheek, then left without saying a word.

Meanwhile, Hongjoong watching the whole scene makes his blood boil even more. His eyes were flaming in anger, the young Kim let his feelings devour him.

'So that's what friends do huh?'

The young Kim went to the back and unlocked the door, then plopped to the bed with a bit heavy heart.

Minutes later, both of them had sitting at each other's opposite. Though the captain isn't attentive but he feels or knows if something's up.

"Is something conflicting you, Kim?" He asked, standing up from the bed to walk closer to the youmg man. Hongjoong didn't answer, his pride is too high and what he did was offensive, for him.

Well, why is he offended though? He shrugged but didn't talked to him. As Seonghwa reached the other side of the bed, he pulled the chair and sat before Hongjoong.

The captain carefully threaded his fingers around the young Kim's locks, making Hongjoong's heart beat in an unusual rate, again.

"Answer me. I'm not a mind reader, Kim." He spoke once again, with a kind of deep voice to make Hongjoong answer him. "No.. nothing's.. nothing's wrong." The young Kim replied, looking at his feet.

He couldn't look directly at the man's eyes, he feel ashame because of what he is acting. "There is. You walked out earlier because something is bothering you." The captain responded, still having his fingers lingering around the young Kim's hair.

'Yeah, I'm completely pissed off with that lady, are you that oblivious when she kissed you?'

Oh how wish he could say that out loud, but he couldn't. "Alright, I'm not forcing you anymore. Tell me tomorrow, okay?" Seonghwa informed, leaving the chair and went back to his place.

'How the fuck can I tell him that I'm pissed and sad!? That's weakness!'

Hongjoong shooked his head and also tucked to bed, he saw how peaceful the captain sleeping, facing him.

'Is this how he sleeps? Always looking at this direction?'

He questioned quite annoyed, he's scared that he might fall for that man he's facing now. "I'm not bothered by anything, Park." He spoke, making the sleeping man smile. Hongjoong immediately noticed the man and slapped his waist, "you motherfucker! You're awake!" He hissed, making Seonghwa laugh.

The captain moved closer to the young Kim. Then, a sudden urge came into Hongjoong's mind. Well, the captain didn't see him leaning closer because his eyes were closed.

Hongjoong connected their lips together, then immediately pulled away making Seonghwa open his eyes. The captain sat up due to surprise.

The young Kim faced the other side, he's face was heating up, anxiety rising due to what he just did.

"Kim. Sit up." The captain commanded. At first he was scared but did it anyways, he faced the captain who was dead serious.

"I'm—" before Hongjoong could continue talking, his lips were sealed by Seonghwa's lips. Unconciously, he closed his eyes and placed his arms around the captain's neck, while the captain snaked his arms around Hongjoong's waist.

Their lips danced together, moved syncroniously around each other, the feeling was immerse but gentle at the same time. As they pulled apart, Hongjoong's face was red, on the other Seonghwa was feeling euphoric.

"Good night, Kim." Seonghwa stated, pulling the other's head to give a quick peck, "Good night, Park." Hongjoong replied, trying not stutter and successfully, he did.

a/n : Yoojin is a made up character <3 and we are still far from confession? :p (idk.if this a spoiler lol)

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