Chapter 15: Otherworldly Rock

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Hi guys! Ok, chapter stuff time! Ok, so I really wanna split this chapter into two smaller parts, but we'll see. Then, the semi final battle will be two chapters. That puts us up to 18. Then the final battle. That puts us at 19. So, if this is a two chapter, or another filler, then mission success. Also, my hands are frozen solid, and typing is so slow, its painful. Anyway, make sure to vote, comment and subscribe! 

Bonus note: guys, if you look up my yt name on google, then you actually find my yt channel. That's a first. 

Warspite was still walking back from her training. She was looking around, not really thinking about much. It was a peaceful night. A time she wanted to remember forever. 

It was soon going to be midnight, and she wanted to make her way back. Oronguru might be worried about her. 

She continued on, and walked behind some trees. 

She then saw a mysterious light coming around the corner. Obviously, she went to check it out. 

As she approached the light, she felt a weird warmth. She then saw exactly what it was.  

It wasn't exactly a stone, or rock, but more like a lump. It was of a material Warspite had never seen consciously before, but she had a weird feeling, like she had seen it. It was all white, and shone brightly. There were tiny specks of other bright colours, such a pink and blue. 

It was sort of nestled in a crater. It had to have flown down from somewhere. Warspite approached it, getting very close to it. 

She seemed mesmerised my it. She still couldn't figure out  where she had seen it before. Warspite then remembered she needed to get back, so she moved away from the lump. 

Only then did Warspite notice how cold the night was. She shivered, but continued in the direction of the town. 

Before she knew it, she saw home, and quickly approached it. In a few minutes time, she was asleep on Oronguru's couch. 


Warspite woke up to the sound of someone. When she opened her eyes, she saw Oron, packing his bag for school. She silently groaned. 

Even though it wasn't so much of her culture, and she didn't know a whole lot about it, Warspite still hated school. She figured she should get ready to, so she stepped onto the cold, wooden floor. 

Oron looked over to her and smiled. 

'Where were you last night?' He asked. Last night's memories suddenly flooded her mind again. 

'Oh, I just found something in the forest. You should come with me to see it after school.' She said. 

'Aright.' He said simply. Warspite was king of surprised that Oron didn't react shocked or anything like that. But, then again, he was probably used to this sort of thing by now. 

Warspite stretched and yawned.  

Around twenty minutes later, the two of them exited the house and made their way over to the school.


Both of them ran into Cal while they were walking to school. Oron and Cal started a conversation, and like always, he asked Cal about what he thought of what Warspite said.

'Ooh, can I come too?' He asked instead of answering Oron's question directly. Warspite smiled. 

'Yep. You can.' She responded. 

In class, Warspite continued to think about the massive battle that was happening soon, but her mind drifted off to the mystical rock. She didn't know anything about it, but she still couldn't shake the feeling she had seen it somewhere. 

She shook her head. She knew that her mind was most likely playing tricks on her. 

Warspite brought her attention back to what the teacher was saying. She was in Maths at the moment, but that was going to change in around ten minutes time. 

As the teacher rapped up their lecture, the bell rang, and the class moved out of the classroom. Warspite followed the crowd. 

Warspite found herself day dreaming through the rest of her day. She couldn't stop thinking about where she could have seen that material. It had to be somewhere from back home. She hadn't seen anything close to it in this current world. 

At lunch, her Oron, and Cal met up. Warspite didn't say too much and soon, the last class of the day began. 

A/N Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter's end got a bit boring, but I tried putting up the word count. I don't know. The semi final battle is going to be good. Promise. 

Ok, I don't really have much to say, except that you should go check out my channel! I'm thinking of doing a cool video over there this weekend. Ok, bye!

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