Chapter 21

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I am soooooo sorry guys, I've really been going through a lot lately and I didn't have the motivation. I mean I had the chapters written but I just didn't type them. It's been so long but I'm back and I've got a lot of ideas. I love you all and thanks to those of you for sticking around. Here's an update and a sexy picture of jacob to make up for it (I'm a jacob girl if you didn't know 💕😍😩)


"Matt?" I question, blinking rapidly in confusion. I had not expected to see him really, I was expecting Cam. Not only that, but I have not spoken since the day he blew up on me. I avoided him at all cost and I guess he decided to do the same. I did miss him being around though.

The pure tiredness and stress in his eyes is evident and I find myself praying it's not over me even though I know somehow it is.

"Hi," he answered simply, looking down and rocking back and forth on his heals nervously, hands shoved in his pockets.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked, not really knowing what to say.

"I just... I," he trailed off. "I don't know." He finished, pushing a hand through his hair and finally meeting my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I haven't been since.."

Now it's my turn to break my gaze from his, guilt swallowing me. Neither of us speak, awkward silence and tension engulfing the air between us. The silence is loud and the tension could be sliced with a knife.

"Annaliese," he starts, shattering the quiet and I look up to his suddenly red and.... teary eyes? If he cries I will lose it. "I m-", he is interrupted by a car, Cam's car, pulling into the driveway.

He climbs out of the car, a confused look in his eye as they land on Matt, but he seems to brush it off.

"Hi baby," he says, kissing my cheek and taking my small hand into his, interlocking our fingers. I smile at him weakly, pleading for him to help me with my eyes. As I move my gaze back to Matt, I can tell he has visuablly tensed at Cam's affection me. "Hey Matt, how ya been?

He doesn't reply, his jaw clenching so tightly I can only imagine it hurts. The tension returns with a vengance, hot and thick in the atmosphere between the two. Matt takes his nose between his thumb and forefinger, wiping the previous moisture from his eyes.

Before either of us can say anything, Matt has turned away from us abrutly, and is stomping back to his car. He starts it up and is out of sight within seconds. Cam gives me a look and I sigh, shrugging my shoulders and walking back into the house, plopping down on the couch.

"You okay, babe?" he asks, worriedly. He sits down on next to me, grabbing my hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.

"I guess, I just don't like seeing him like that."

"Me either, whether he hates me or not, he still one of my best friends and I want him to be okay," Cam explains and I nod. "But this is going to take him so time, I don't want you stressing."

"I'll try."

"Okay, do you still want to go to the party? We don't have to, I know you've had a long day."

"I still want to go, I need a distraction."

He nods and we leave, climbing into his car and heading over to party.

Done . ↠ A Magcon Fanfiction (UNFINISHED. NOT CONTINUING.)Where stories live. Discover now