Chapter 17

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Sorry it's been a few weeks , I'm gonna try to get with this whole weekly updates thing and I'm updating on Thursdays now. But all of you should follow me on here because I post statuses when I'm struggling with how to write the next update and other things ( writer block , etc. )

But anyway thank you for 11.9k bitches 💗 You guys are my hot , sassy ass , hoes and ily all 😻✨💕 like seriously you are all hot as shit , rough me up and call me daddy ❤🌚



We sat on the couch as the movie ended our arms wrapped around each other and our legs tangle with a blanket draped over us.

I clicked off the TV and sat up, stray popcorn rolling off of us and onto the couch.

Cameron looked at me, he's deep brown orbs scanning over my face, as he lazily grinned.

I giggled, "Why are you are you smiling at me like that?"

"I'm just so glad I can finally call you mine," he replied. In seconds, I could feel my cheeks burning, transforming to a bright shade of pink.

I lifted my hand, placing it on my cheek. Cam snaked his fingers around my wrist, grabbing it with one hand and effortlessly pulled me forward with the other, capturing my lips in a kiss.

I smiled against his mouth as he bit my lip lightly, tugging at it, asking for entrance. I granted him access and chills scampered down my spine as he slid his tongue in my mouth passionately.

He brought his hand under my hair to the back of my neck, gently pushing on it to deepen the kiss.

I pull away for a second to catch my breath and immediately peck his lips playfully making him chuckle.

"You know, I never asked you how the guys took it?" He said. "You know, not picking them and all."

"Oh yeah..." I said looking away and dragging my fingers through my hair as the memories returned in an instant, seeping back into my mind. "Well, Nash was upset but he took it well. He was supportive of of decision but Matt..."

Tears welled in my eyes as the thoughts what happened between Matt and I only hours before, flood back into my mind.


"Matt, please!" I exclaimed as he stormed out of the diner angrily. I grab him by his arm with both hands, pulling him to a halt. He drops his head looking to the ground. "Matt, look at me."

He slowly turned to look at me, looking away from my eye and licking his lips, as if about to say something. I tug his arm, in a plea to get him to look me in the eye.

He somehow gets the message, and he brings himself to look at me.

"Why him, Annaliese? Why not me?" He says in a hurt, but still forceful voice.

"Matt... I---,"

"Answer the god damn question, Annaliese!" he cuts me off, raising his voice and searching my eyes for an answer.

"I don't know!" I shout back, letting the tears that threatened my eyes, spill onto my rosy cheeks.

"Why can't we just be friends, Matt!?"

"Are you serious!? I can't just be friends with you, Annaliese!"

"Matthew, I don't wanna loose you..."

"Well, I've already lost you so what does it matter!" He continued yelling as he furiously ran his fingers through his hair.

He looked at me once more before turning and leaving me standing there.

Flashback Over

"Cameron, I don't know what to do," I sobbed into his shirt as he rubbed my back, trying to soothe me. "I don't want him to hate me!"

"Shhhh... he doesn't hate you baby," he cooed into my ear, smoothing my hair and kissing the top of my forehead. "He just needs some time to get over this, he'll come around."

"I-I g-guess," I hiccuped through my loud sobs. I couldn't stop crying, all I could see was the hurt look in Matt's eyes. The devastated look on his face when I told him it wasn't him.

"Baby, what can I do to cheer you up, it kills me seeing you like this," he said softly, tilting my head up to look at him. He pecked my cheek, kissing away my last few tears.

I giggled as he began leaving kisses all over my nose, forehead and cheeks.

"Cam, stop!" I shriek, trying to push him off of me, but he doesn't budge. He laughs, burying his face in my neck, laughing into my hair.

"What do you wanna do now? We can go out for lunch?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," I say, wiping under my eyes, only to bring it back and find black mascara on it. "Let me just fix my hair and makeup."

I give him a quick kiss before I head up to my room.

He groans in annoyance of having to wait and I laugh.

"You don't need that shit anyway.." he mumbled, thinking I can't hear. I smile to myself and pretend I don't hear him.


Kik Me , I wanna make a group chat with a bunch of you - kayy__98 ( 2 underscores , 2 y's )

By the way, this whole chapter is on the the same day as telling them.

Done . ↠ A Magcon Fanfiction (UNFINISHED. NOT CONTINUING.)Where stories live. Discover now