adda cheap works

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Recap:go and read part 2

Adda was not only attractive but also tall,well matched with aman .since roshni had been a house wife ,she only had t-shirt.,no makeup, being like an ideal women at home.
Roshni didn't have equal merits like her. It was because that she didn't mind anyone but willing to show Aman the best of her.

"Aman .this tie is really well designed and matched you"adda hold a tie to try several times and then said.
Aman smilled with a dotting attitude. He said to adda ,"you do make a good choice."
"Then have a try",adda urged him with a sleeping grin.
Aman kept obedient to untie ,pass the old tie to adda and changed new tie to his collar.

Adda curled her lip and suggested ,"the tie is too old-fashioned .let's throw it away and try a new one."
"Ok"aman agreed with her.
Roshni stood opposite to them ,only relying a few clothes to cover her ammbrassed figure. She couldn't ignore addas act to throw the tie ,which was carefully selected by herself, into the trash seemed that adda had thrown her good will away as well.

"What a seductress lady .let me beat her for you".shyari murmured with brutal words.
Roshni took hold of shyari immediately, then she shook her head and nodded in no and told"no"!just let them go".
"Why don't you do anything for yourself??Aman is your husband ."shyari really laid into roshni
With her lips bitten,roshni answered in a distressed voice ,"he won't be anymore in future ".
"Don't you tell me the truth?five years ago,it's you who saved him.guess what?adda has claimed all the credits for herself. How long do you intend to cover it?for your life time?"shyari said with failed expectations

A thought made her lost in the past that she had once told Aman about the truth but received his doubts. Aman had lost a paet of his before so she didn't blame him. Roshni raised her head and continued to hope him having someone accompanied in the future.

The both friend parted in anger eventually. Roshni brought the selected suit to the Ryan's office,.she wanted to send the well prepared suit to him in order to let him relax without worrying about the inconsequential trivia whenever he worked or returned.

A voice of adda shocked roshni,who was standing outside at the door at the time ,"Aman stop please .that's enough......"
The shattering voice made roshnj frozen in the place .meanwhile she got stuck by pain,with her whole body convulsed by the slighted pain.

She opened the door ,she saw them lying on sofa. What's more ,adda back was almost naked .when she saw roshni entering.,adda slid into amans arms in a panic.
Aman shouted at roshni with his brows wrinkled, "get out!"
To calm her mind, roshni began her words with simpler,"miss adda,you are such a hothead that you could hardly wait to flirt with my husband in the office ".
Adda looked at Aman with a bit grievances. Aman collapsed his face as he saw addas situation, he said coldly,"roshni, whatever we do is none of your business get out!"

Roshni doubled her fists tightly. As her heart tightened.,she just felt that a heart stream would overflow from her throat. After that ,she placed suit upon the desk ans smiled ,"Aman, this is your suit. Remember to take it otherwise you have to ask your assistant to prepare for gathering again when you are into work. Take care yourself whether I am absent ".

"Are you loosing your health now??Aman questioned in sullenly.
"Roshni,don't worry about that .I will manage my health".adda hooked amans arm and said with no deny."I just prepared sea food porridge for can have a try,too."

After saying this ,adda supplied a bowl of food from the flask for roshni .roshni felt her stomach in heavy pain as soon as she had a little food,which has savor of fish.
The smell of blood sprang into her throat to give a attack on roshni .she seemed not to take this anymore. Roshni hold her lips painfully and quickly went to the bathroom to spit out,leaving the bowl smashed on the ground.

Her blood turned the white tile into red one ,making it looked particularly ferocious. Roshni was looking very pale and was looking into the mirror and seeing Aman coming in.roshni flushed the blood with the faucet quickly.

To be continued......
Will Aman see it.....
Will Aman know that roshni has cancer.............

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