aman in search of roshni

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Part 15

Telling this aaryan left for search of roshni

After aaryan left ,Aman stayed in the place and thought about what aaryan said just now .Roshni almost died .why did he say that??.

He didn't understand, but he felt inexplicably painful.,as he like he had been experiencing before.
Adda was worried. When she saw his panic ,she immediately walked closed to him ,'Aman,what's wrong with you?is it uncomfortable? ".

Aman called down and said ,"it's alright ".
But at the moment Aman was in the bad mood.he was very upset after aaryan said these words
"You are injured. Let the doctor deal with it for you ".adda suggested.
"Nothing is wrong ,let's go back".Aman refused.

Aman couldn't manage the injury of his face .he quickly solved discharge process and sent adda home.he was worried about where  roshni went,atleast he and roshni has not divorced yet,so they had to find sometime to handle the divorce formalities.aman made excuses to comfort himself, arguing that it was just the cause of divorce.

Adda noticed that Aman was absent-minded and had a sense of crises.,so he wanted to leave hurriedly. Adda could not help asking,"are  you going to find roshni?didn't you say she's none of your business?then why will you go to find her??".

Adda felt unfair .she couldn't transfer all his thoughts after doing so much.

"She's pregnant and helpless afraid she's in trouble. When I divorced her and settle her down ,I won't go to her again ".Aman comforted adda,and explained that it was his responsibility to take care of was his promise for roshnis father  so he couldn't break it.

Adda was about to cry.what she needed was Aman, who loved her with all his mind.but he wanted to find roshni.,and she couldn't explain her willingness. She just gritted her teeth and said,"I'll wait for must come back at night ".

Aman promised,and quickly left.he was ready to go home to see whether roshni was at home or not .when he arrived, he found empty room seemed like someone hadn't lived in for a long time under the atmosphere of loneliness. Aman didn't see roshni but found the divorce agreement signed by her.

The above handwriting of Roshni requested that roshni agreed to divorce him.aman frowned,but did not feel relived adding a heavy burden at this time.

Aman Then call roshni immediately ,but it was tuned off.Aman called shyari again. On the phone,shyari scored him idiot, she cried while scolding, but didn't know where  roshni was.

Did it end like this??.

Aman never imagined about such an ending .saying that they divorced after 10 months
,and only after more than a month,their five years marriage ended.

Sitting in the room,Aman was lost contemplation.where she she go with her pregnancy, how will she live in future??.

Thinking about that roshni was helpless and didn't take away anything.aman felt a bit unbearable. He didn't love her,but he couldn't do it so mercilessly .Aman stood up immediately and drove out to find her,.

It was raining  outside and there were  many vehicles on the road.aman was driving very slowly. He was afraid to miss everyone who looks alike roshni. He was panicking and looked nervously. A long time later ,Aman was naturally agitated and patted the steering wheel worried.

Suddenly, he saw a woman with an umbrella in the street who looked like roshni. Aman soon parked and rushed out,like a reckless person. He grabbed the woman  and shouted roshni.

The woomen locked back ,but not roshni.insted ,that women scolded him.

He did his best to find .he thought about finding roshni back,but roshni had already left and been out of his sight.

Aman was upset and returned home with his clothes soaked.then he sat quietly  in the room.this house,is where he was unwilling to come back because he was unhappy and even disgusted  when he saw roshni.but now there is no roshni here,lacking a little bit of flavor of life .it wasn't the result he wanted.

At night, the lights didn't turn on. Aman leaned against the sofa,bowed his head without any movement. It seemed that he could paralyze himself in this way without thinking about what roshni was doing now.

The phone was from adda.aman didn't want to answer .he didn't know his feelings clearly.why did he have to sympathize with roshni while he loved roshni??this totally wasn't like him

In the end,he still didn't answer because he didn't want to listen to her questioning, and didn't want to see her.

After sitting for a long time,Aman got fever and felt hus throat dry and extremely uncomfortable. He fell asleep on the sofa but his illness became worse.

The door suddenly opened. Aman heard the key chains changed,and the small steps stepped towards him.

Aman opened his eyes in a daze

And he actually was ...........

To be continued.....

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