12- (Real Feelings🥺)

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(Rishabh Pant)

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(Rishabh Pant)

Third Person's Pov

Khushi was siting on her desk as she wrote in her diary about the next operation that she was going to go on, she sighed as she closed her diary and sighed as this was the only thing which was keeping her stable. She was a FBI agent, the one she had always dreamt of, but the most difficult part of this was secrecy!

The only drawback of this was that she was never allowed to share her feelings with anyone, she had to do everything in secrecy, and she so she had no one beside her, it was just her diary that helped her relax because whenever she felt like talking or sharing her feelings she would pour all of them in her diary.

Khushi shook her head and as she pulled out a photo from the back of her diary which was a picture of Rishabh Pant, the one she loved with all of her heart even though she had never met him before.

And then today she was handed a secret operation surprisingly which included the love of her life, she was excited, to meet him, to look at him but what she didn't knew was that this could hurt both of them in the end.

Next day khushi was all on for her operation and right now she was on the exact location where Rishabh was supposed to be, Khushi was waiting eagerly while she couldn't contain her feelings, so looked around and found someone selling a boquet of lilies, she smiled as she bought it as they were her favourite.

The next moment she turned around she bumped into someone while she was going to fall but was caught in safe hands, Khushi opened her eyes to look at the face that she had been alway longing for, she couldn't take her eyes off of him, while Rishabh looked at her face lost, as if he was enchanted by some magic.

They both straightened up and Rishabh picked up her boquet which had fallen when she bumped, he forwarded it towards he while Khushi was lost in him. She took the boquet back when Rishabh asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah.... Yeah! I'm fine, thank you" Khushi said as her trance broke and Rishabh nodded his head while giving her a small smile as he finally walked away and Khushi couldn't forget the feelings of his arms around her.
Meanwhile Rishabh was also in a daze as this was the first time that he felt something so different, he couldn't forget the innocent look on Khushi's face and a small smile crept upto his lips.

After that day Khushi kept finding ways to meet him again and again coincidentally while she didn't realized that her long time crush was turning into the feeling of love, so finally on their next meet where Rishabh had also seemed to be invested Khushi had finally gathered up the courage as she asked him, "Will you go on a date with me?"

"What?" Rishabh asked in shock as they both were sitting in a cafe after their third coincidental meeting which were actually planned beforehand by Khushi, "I mean you see this is our third coincidental meeting, right! So don't you think we're destined to meet each other again and again?"

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