C-c-c-come on c-c-c-come on go go

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Warning, there are slurs and death threats in this chapter (they're all slurs that I can use.)


I have history first period, so that means my lazy ass needs to immediately walk all the way up to the 2nd floor, man, if it wasn't for my friends, I would just skip anything that isn't on the ground floor. The stairs are just slightly too steep for my small legs.

Anyway, I walk into the classroom expecting it to be empty, I'm like 10 minutes early, but no, the teacher is already there. There goes the opportunity to draw stuff on the whiteboard.

"Good morning miss Brown,"

"Morning Sal,"

She's a pretty okay teacher, kinda nice actually, she never gives homework, and all the tests are really easy, although that might just be my smartness. I'm kidding, I suck ass at french, and like, chemistry, I guess.

Weirdly enough I kindof enjoy school, like, It's super boring, and I'd rather do something else, but at least I don't really have to put effort into anything.

It's three minutes before the start of class, and the room floods with students. Travis walks in too, I quickly look down, in the hopes he doesn't see me, to no avail, he walks past my desk on his way to the front of the class, and hits the books off my table. Asshole, I really to see the best in everyone, but he makes it so difficult, why is he like this, why does he hate me so much?


It's 12.15 now, fourth period just ended, and it's lunchtime, groan. The cafetaria is literally the grossest place in the whole school, not including the boys bathroom. On monday they serve mashed potatoes and pudding, that's so gross.

I meet up with Larry and Ash at the usual place, Todd and the others aren't here yet, except Neil.

"Should I play sanity's fall right now? Like, really loud." Larry whispers.

It would be funny, but i kinda don't wanna get in trouble.

"Do it." Why did I say that.

He takes out his phone and pulls up 'singular', I watch him turn up the volume, and he looks at me while his thumb hovers over the play button.

"Brace yoursel-

He's cut off by me falling over, nearly hitting my head on the table.

"Hey what the fuck man!" Larry shouts.

"Serves him right for being a freak" I hear behind me, followed up by a

"Fucking faggot" and a kick in the side.

I wince in pain, and thats when I realise I'm still on the floor.
I get up and I'm met with a tan boy, Travis.

"What do you want Travis?" Thats a genuine question, he only really seems to care about making me and my friends' highschool experience a living hell.

"For you and your friends to kill yourselves"

"Thats too far Travis, even for you!" I hear a feminine voice say in the distance.


"Shut up, emo bitch."

He can barely finish his sentence before Larry punches him square in the face. Travis grunts in pain and lifts his arm to deliver a blow on Larry's face.

Todd helps me back up on my feet, while Ash checks if I'm ok, I am, I mean it hurts quite alot, but.. whatever. It's fine.


Johnson really does deliver quite the punch, my already bruised body shakes and stings everytime another fist swiftly hits me in the stomach, or ribs, or face or-

"Mister Johnson, mister Phelps, stop fighting!"A teacher yells from across the cafeteria.

Immediately Johnson lets go of my shirt, and I stumble trying to catch myself.

"Detention, both of you," she takes a look at Sally face, "You too, mister Fisher." Thats what you get for starting a fight, Fisher.


Insert end note


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