17: Sports Festival Begin!

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Ok, this is a special chapter for a special person so marrPen this is for you so enjoy!!!

And again the character known as Kaya or Ichigo are credited to the one and only marrPen


The day of the sports festival and I was stoked! I put my usual uniform on and walk out of my room. I had to sign a permission form for the festival that would allow me to use my support item from my costume during the festival. I walk out of my house with a strawberry muffin again and rollerskate with my earbuds in. I unwrap the muffin from its pink cloth and notice my mother put something on it. She put the UA insignia in cream cheese frosting on the top of the muffin. Aww, thanks, Mama. I say to myself before taking a picture with my phone. The muffin was not that big about two bites, so I took the two bites and swallowed it down. 

I put the cloth back in the pocket of my blazer. I decided I was a little warm, so I took off my backpack, put the strap in my mouth, took off my blazer, tied it around my waist, and then put my bag back on. I accidentally bump into someone and look up from the ground where I fell to see a familiar head of white hair. "Hey! It's you from the cafe the other day." I say helping myself up. I take out my earbuds and put my phone in my pocket. "It was Ichigo right?" I ask. "Uh, yeah and you're Cotton right?" She asks. "Yup you're correct!" I smile. She wears the same UA uniform as me and has the same buttons on the top of her shirt saying she's in the Hero Course.

"Woah! You're in the Hero Course?" I ask. "Yeah 1-B." She replies. "I'm in the Hero Course to 1-A...hey do you know a Pony Tsunotori?" I ask. "Mhm, she sits next to me." She says. "Pony's a good friend of mine I've known her for a while." I say. "Wow cool." She replies. "Hey, the festival is today right?" She asks. "Yeah, I wonder if we'll see you there." I say as we start to walk again. "Yeah, that'd be cool! Hey, can I ask you about your quirk?" She asks. "Sure as long as I can ask about yours so shoot." I say. "When I asked you about your horns you said 'your dad's side of your quirk' what'd you mean by that?" She asks.

"Oh! Yeah, doctors say it's a rare thing for a kid to have a perfect blend of their parents' quirks. My mom's quirk is called Animate and I can draw anything and either move it around or bring it to life. The only downside is that if I hold a really big one for long I get tired. Also if I draw something like a fruit or a candy I create it and it won't disappear." I say. "Woah that sounds super cool." She says. "So! What's yours?" I ask. "Mines is called Movement and anything I touch can move in any direction how I want it to...oh and that quirk Animate, yours, how you can create real objects it kinda reminds me of an old friend of mine. Except she could only make fruit and only with her right hand it was called Pop Fruit." Ichigo says.

"Wow, that sounds amazing yours and your old friend's quirk." I say. We come upon the UA gate and look up at the blue arch. "Oh! Could I get your number so that we can still talk to each other after the festival?" I ask turning and pulling my phone out. "Oh, I don't really use text mainly Discord so I could give you my Discord?" She says pulling her phone out. "Ok cool, I use Discord too." I say handing her my phone. I type in my user, Sheepysheepo, and send the request. "Ok! Well hopes to see you at the Sports Festival bye Ichigo-san!" I say waving and skating up to the door. "See ya!" She waves back. 

I wasn't paying attention and ram into someone, again, and look up at them. It was Nejire and she was shocked when she saw me. "Oh! Iris, it's you I was worried something happened to whoever bumped into me but your ok so that's good." She says giving me a hand. "Thanks and sorry for ramming into you like that. Hey, is Rick already here?" I ask standing up. "Oh yeah he texted me that he was here...hey wait don't you first-years have the Sports Festival today?" She asks. "Yeah, I'm super pumped and excited!" I say shooting a fist in the air. "Well good luck to you and your classmates We third-years and the second-years will be watching aswell so do your best." She smiles before turning and walking away.

I sit on one of the benches, take off my skates carrying them, and walk to my footlocker. I put both my sneakers and my skates in the locker taking out my white tenny-shoes and slipping them on. I realize I took longer than I should've so I run to my class trying not to be caught and make it in time. I take my seat panting up a storm from running. "Made it just in time we're about to get ready for the festival!" Jiro says from my left. "I ran into a few people but I made it and that's what counts!" I say pulling out a thumbs up. We all take our gym uniforms and walk to the changing room. I of course got my pen from my costume so I could use it and went with my friends to the changing rooms.

I change into my uniform and pin my bangs back with my lucky star pin that Mia made for me, and I promised I'd wear it, and put my pen in my pocket displaying a smile across my face. I walk with the others to the waiting room and take a seat at a table with Toru, Mina, Momo, and Ochaco as we wait for us to be called out. Todoroki had challenged Midoriya in the festival and everyone felt nervous after that then we were called out by Present Mic to the stadium. "And now we have Class 1-A of the UA High Hero Course!!" The Pro says announcing our class as we enter the stadium that was filled with people. I knew at least either my mom or dad along with Mia would be in the stands because my parents set up a food stand for the festival to gain more customers. 

It was both nerve-racking and exciting to be here but I knew even with the whole world watching that I would make it through!


Ok, guys here is the first part of the Sports Fest Arc let me know!! And credits to again to marrPen and follow them they are amazing!

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