41: Fall of Number One

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We had the rest of the week off from school to recover from the trauma we faced during training camp. Mina had caught me up on all that happened. Bakugo was missing and Midoriya, Momo, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Iida were planning to go and find him themselves which was completely childish. I sat in my bed starring at my phone before getting a call from Mina. I answer and place my phone against my ear. "You need to turn the TV on now!" She says in a scared voice. "Ok." I answer quickly getting up and grabbing my remote. 

I shuffle to my TV and sit on the floor turning it on and it was already on the news. It was a reporter talking from a helicopter above a battle between a villain and... "All Might?" I say. "And the villain's name is All for One!" Mina says through the phone. The whole city was in disarray and looked like someone had just bombed it. "What about Bakugo?" I ask. "And Midoriya and the others are they ok?!" I ask. "I don't know but Bakugo was in the fight and I think he is gone...where I don't know. I tried to text Yaomomo but she didn't answer and no one else is either!" She says still worried.

All for One that name sounds familiar like I've heard of it before...


I was 3 and watched on the TV the great hero All Might fighting against a villain that was called All for One. All Might was hurt but I knew he would save the day! 


"That name...what was it again?" I ask. "All for One...why?" Mina asks. "I've heard it before when I was 3 I watched All Might fighting against a villain and his name was All for One...I asked Ricky about two years later and he told me that his quirk was rare and wasn't known about." I answer. All Might looked so weak as if he was going to fade away. He looked like a skeleton. "What's wrong with All Might?" I ask. "He fought and has turned into a basic person now and not his usual self." Mina says. They go back and forth before All Might wins as usual. 

He was so much different than when he usually is. He's normally so strong-looking and brave and always goes Plus Ultra! But now he looked basic and withered. I was scared for both my safety and others...without a number one hero what would happen? My parents were freaking out at what they saw and everyone in the cafe was chatty about it. 

(A Couple Days Later: Back at UA)

It had been a couple of days since the villain incident and we were sent back to school. I put my uniform on and marched out the door with Ricky. "Hey Hey! Ricky!" I hear a high-pitched voice say. We turn to see Nejire running towards us. "Hey, Neji!" Ricky says. The periwinkle-haired girl runs up to us and stands beside Rick as he puts an arm around her over her shoulders. "Well, you two are sure much more couple-like." I smirk teasing my brother. "We are officially a couple now though! We had our third date the other day and we decided to become a real couple." Nejire chirps.

"Well, I'm glad this dope could find someone nice!" I smile. "You can't be talking like you don't have a romantic partner you-" He says before I put a finger over my mouth telling him to stfu. "Huh?" Nejire asks. "Nothing he's just on something..." I sigh. we come upon to the UA gate and we part ways when we get to the door. I walk in and put my shoes in their locker and take out my inside ones. I slip them on and then walk to my class. In the class was everyone that was supposed to be here today. I walk to my seat and put my bag down before walking to the back to where Midoriya was.

"What happened to you guys? Mina told me you guys went to save Bakugo...is that true? Are you ok?" I ask. "Yes, we're fine but can't say we didn't get scolded for it." He sighs. I nod and then walk back to my seat. It was a quiet day and now lunch. I grab my lunch and take a seat with Ricky today for lunch along with Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki. "Hello..." I say before taking a seat. "Hiya!" Mirio greets. "Hey Rainbow." Ricky says. "Nice to see you again glad you're well!" Nejire chirps. "H-hello..." Tamaki says quietly. I could barely hear him even though he was right beside me. "You know what you need Tamaki? Some confidence...especially when you need to speak to girls." I say patting him on the back. 

I eat lunch and then say my goodbyes and head back to class. We had our special classes for hero work and then the day was over. I went home and changed out of my uniform and into a white hoodie and some pink leggings. I swiped through my phone until I eventually fell asleep. 

-Next day-

It was the weekend and I had nothing better to do so I helped my family in the cafe. We had gotten our last few customers before two familiar people walked in through our doors. My parents knew that they had to close the cafe for this. My dad flipped the sign so it showed closed and then walked back. The two people were Mr. Aizawa and All Might. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton. We are here on behalf of UA and for school reasons." Mr. Aizawa says to my parents. "Yes that's what we thought...what seems to be the problem?" My mother asks. "No problem...the UA staff have come up with an idea that will help ensure the children's safety at their time in UA." All Might says.

"And what would that be?" My dad asks. "We have come up with a dormitory system for all years and courses...they would stay on the school grounds all week and would have permission if given to leave campus for either family or personal reasons." Mr. Aizawa says. "We understand that you have a son a daughter who attend UA correct?" All Might asks. "Correct our daughter is a first-year and our son a third." My father replies. "We are sure this is a safe thing but what gives us the reason to trust that UA and ensure the safety of our children? So far our daughter has been stabbed and placed in the hospital twice and our son has been in the hospital three times at his time in UA...and the villain attacks and trauma they go through that isn't normal for children their age..." My mother argues. 

"Mom calm down..." I say trying to calm my mother. "Sir...Ma'am...we have no proof that this will ensure their safety but we would like to ask for your trust that we can and try this making sure that your children and the children that also attend our school are safe is the one thing that matters to us." Mr. Aizawa says. "You will need to sign a simple permission form for both children." All Might says. "Fine, we will let them live on campus but we want full control that if we feel like they should come back home they can...is this clear?" Dad says. "Yes sir..we thank you for you're time and trust." Mr. Aizawa says as both he and All Might give a small bow to my parents.

Wow, that was um interesting...but dorms? Living away from home? This is something I never expected...


ok so the dorms are going to be coming up soon and I will try to find one that I feel like Iris would live in for that chapter but anyway bye lovelies!!!!!


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