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Emma: Ooooh, Norman and Ray together!

Ray sighs.

Norman: We're shipped together as well?

Emma: Yup, and I think I ship it too.

Ray: I think Emma loves Yaoi.

Emma: Yes.

Norman: Ray's like a brother to me.

Ray: You didn't say that for Noremma.

Emma: True, does that mean you like me more?

Norman: Well...- All I know is this relationship isn't going to work out, because Ray is dating Gasoline Chan.

Ray: Actually... Gasoline Chan and I broke up.

Emma and Christie: Really when?!

Norman: Yeah, I thought it was a steady relationship.

Ray: Things...didn't work out after the Rayemma...

Emma: Ooh, so why did you break up and who decided to end it?

Norman: You don't have to tell us if you don't want to.

Ray: I did. Because Gasoline didn't even come to save me after me being tortured by that beast of a kid.

Emma: He's not a beast. He's my adorable protector.

Phil: Yes.

Norman: I want to protect you too Emma.

Emma: Of course Norman!

Ray: I'm still traumatised from what that kid did to me.

Phil: If you do anything to Emma, I will kill you...

Norman: I think we need to keep an eye on Phil.

Don and Gilda: Agreed.

Anna: If Norman and Ray were to get together they would be a very smart couple.

Nat: Mhm, they'd be the couple that would walk on the red carpet. And of course, I would be in the front of them both.

Ray: You too, Anna and Nat?!

Anna: Sorry. I forgot about Gasoline Chan. If you need some consoling, I and Gilda can help out.

Nat: Stop being his Therapist, and come to me. I need some advice on this pimple I got. I haven't been sparkling as much.

Anna: I haven't actually gone through puberty yet.

Norman: Me neither.

Emma: Me neither.

Isabella: Nat is an early bloomer! I'm so proud! *Sheds a tear*

Nat: I don't want to be the only one!!

Thoma and Lanion: Too bad. Nat has puberty! Nat has puberty!

Anna: I'm pretty sure you two don't know what that is yet, so you?

Thoma: Nope.

Lanion: And we don't want to know!

Norman: You see, puberty is when your body goes through changes to make you the strong and independent kid you are going to be in the future. It starts with pimples and for girls and boys it's different and takes a while to develop, but by the time you consider your self as an adult, then puberty has finished. So let's talk about Pimples...

*Continues his Ted Talk*

Norman: ...And that's also how babies are made too.

Thoma: I need to bleach my eyes.

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