Sister Krone x Isabella

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This is a ship - I personally don't ship at all - between two of the oldest characters in Season 1.

Emma: Mom...

Norman: Is shipped...

Ray: With Sister Krone...

Ray: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I ship this with passion!!


Ray: Its funny because Mom ships us, now I can ship her!

Norman: True.

Emma: For once... I don't ship.

Norman: Why?

Emma: Those are our two worst enemies as a COUPLE! THEY'D BE A POWER COUPLE!

Norman: I think they would just get into arguments and fights about literally everything, or anything.

Ray: That is kind of true.

Emma: As an activity they would race each other to the Cinema, or Cafe, and Sister Krone would probably win.

Norman: I actually think Mom would, she'd probably plan before even running and get there quicker, not with speed but with stealth and tricks.

Ray: Nawh, I say they both get run over by a truck and we never see them again.

Norman: Ray!

Emma: I mean- it would help us escape...Get the Lamborghini charged up, I call shotgun.

Norman: Who are you and what have they done with my loveable caring Emma?

Emma: Its just rebel Emma now.

Ray: Yes, Emma! Join me Norman! To the dark side!

Norman: Why? And what are the perks?

Ray: Because, I am your father.

Norman: *Surpised Pikachu face*

Anyway back to topic.

Emma: Where's Mom by the way, I still want to drive her over.

Isabella: I'm here. I was just trying to think of ways to get rid of Sister Krone.

Why are you trying to get rid of Krone?

Isabella: No reason. I just believe the shipper shall not be shipped.


Norman: Why?

Sister Krone: SHE'S INSANE.

Norman: We're all insane actually. If you think about it, a 11 year old's trying to escape from a demon eating society, it's quite far fetched yet Author San still wrote a fanfic about us,  and so did many other people.

Emma: True that.

Sister Krone: That was an emotional speech.

Norman: So do you want to be shipped with Isabella now?

Sister Krone: NEVER.

So uh, y'all ship or rip?

Sister Krone: I speak for all when I say RIP.

Isabella nods.


Ray: I thought you'd never ask. So what will we burn today?

Sister Krone: THIS SHIP.

Gilda: But I kinda ship it.

Sister Krone: TOO BAD, I DON'T!

Author's Personal Thoughts:

I don't ship it at all.

Many people didn't know this existed, but it does.

I don't hate it.


Besides *SPOILER*

Sister Krone goes😴 to sleep forever, (death).

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