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“Papa, why do we have to leave?” The small child asked, tears brimming her bright grey eyes begging to be released, she refused.

Her father looked down at her for a long while before his eyes strayed around the area catching the faces of each of his other children, his gaze stuck to her twin not ten feet away as he tried to console his younger sister whom had clung to him with all the strength she had in her little body, before gliding right back to the child before him.
The desperation in her eyes was enough to bring him to his knees, but he couldn’t show it. He had to be strong for his babies, for who knew how long it would be until they were reunited.

“Because my little Lily Pad, together we may be stronger but we are also at a greater risk of being discovered.” Her lip began quivering as the finality of his tone struck.

  I will not cry. Her thoughts rang out. Not here , not in front of them. The thought steeled her resolve as she set her shoulders and gave her father a watery smile.

Her father, having not taken his eyes off the girl, recognized the look in her eyes as he returned the sentiment before scooping her into a tight embrace,; her small body trembled in his grasp but still she refused to let her tears fall, “I love you Cattelaya.” She heard him say before he placed a kiss upon the crown of her head.

The girl nodded once before she allowed her gaze to roam over the area of the clearing they were in, taking in her many siblings and various other relatives that had gathered to see them off .

Once this is all over we won’t have to be apart, we can be a normal family again. We’ll be safe. With her thoughts grasping to that small ounce of hope, she finally faced her father once more, he looked older than he had a year ago, she reminisced, thinking of the many years they’d been together, then the beginning of the current one when she’d first felt the rush under her skin and electricity in her veins.
She knew that the day would come eventually, but she hadn’t expected it to have been before the year's end. She had hoped she’d have another couple of years left before they would have to part.

“I love you too papa.” She said before, once again, being pulled into a set of arms; this one though was much smaller and could only wrap around her waist, looking down she felt her heart tear at the tear-stained face of her younger sister.

“I don’t wanna leave you Kit Cat.” She wailed; burying her face in her sibling's sweater, her little arm tightened around her sister the best she could in her hysterical fit.

“I know Lessa, but it won’t be forever. And you know, I’m always just a call away.” She tried, her form visibly shaking from her sister's sobs.
Their father watched the two girls, both so small, yet it was still obvious that the older girl had a sense of protectiveness for her baby sister, she had been since they’d arrived at the front of his door that day, all those years back.

They had been tiny back then; Alessia having only been an infant and twins just barely brushing four, but the firm set of the older girls mouth and the wisdom that shone through both twins was what had prevented him from seeing the three siblings as even remotely fragile; let alone weak.
He knew he would not have to worry about them surviving without him, but the weight on his chest refused to alleviate as he continued to watch the young girls, finally he approached the two, seeing as the older girl was having a difficult time calming her sister down.

Scooping her up into his embrace he murmured sweet nothings to her, slowly she started to calm, her wails turning to cries which then silenced to soft whimpers.
Meeting his daughter’s gaze he pointed her in a direction somewhere behind her.

Without another word she turned, sparing one last smile for her sister who had finally calmed enough to meet her gaze and began following her father’s direction; she made her way through the masses of relatives, most of which would stop her for a hug or well wishes.

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