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                          9 years later

  The sounds of the bustling city could be heard, even from within the constructs of the school building, shielding its occupants from the startling heat; but reminding them of the months of freedom they were leaving behind. 

   The remnants of the summer sun trickled through the open windows, illuminating students as they passed from the hall to their designated classes; some lingering a while at their lockers as they attempted to catch up on the months apart before succumbing to the ear-wrenching screech of the final bell.

  Inside Ms. Giesebrecht classroom the voices of students bounced from wall to ceiling as they each took their time indulging in each other's company; not yet ready to be indoctrinated back into the school's dull environment. One student's voice in particular rang out through the mass as her excitement rose; throwing her head back in laughter she recanted tales of her break and various expeditions she'd taken. 

  The young teacher just sat staring out the window, enjoying her last few moments of vacation time before she too would have to put on her school facade and carry on throughout the rest of the year.

   It had been a surprisingly warm and dry break, one she'd spent lounging out on the boardwalks of Jersey beach; her now golden arms and shoulders were evidence of that. She'd almost thought about staying and leaving behind her not-so-special life for one on the beach, rather than behind a desk. The sun rays forever soaking into her skin, free from the ordinary. 

  With one last glance at the summer sun she rose to her feet, making her way to the front of the room she plastered an easy grin on her face. Her eyes were on her favorite little troublemaker, Riley Legion. 

  "Ms. Legion, if you would; I would like to actually do something productive today." Her voice was light and flowed around the room easily causing the teens eyes to quickly meet hers. A wide grin pushed its way onto the girl's face as she swung her legs over and around her desk.

 "Yes ma'am." The girl huffed, puffing out her chest and giving her a single hand salute before pushing herself back off the desk and plopping into her chair, causing her head to snap back with such force her thick black hair seemed to swallow the poor student behind her.

   The teen rushed an apology before beginning to tie her hair into a bun; as she began weaving the curly strands, she felt the seat next to her move, peeking over she was met with bright eyes and a rosy smile.

  "Heyo Leno!" She said chipperly, as she began wrapping the hair at the top of her crown, securing it with a scrunchy her friend hand handed her.

  "Hey Lee Lee," She responded, her voice almost fairy-like as she watched her friend finish up her styling. "How was your morning?" She asked sweetly, Riley gave her a boyish grin before settling further into her seat. 

  "It was good; I think I'm one step closer to teaching Orion how to fetch; now all I gotta do is learn to get him to bring his toys back!" She recalled lightly with a shrug, her mind wandering back to her stubborn black and white tomcat.

 A laugh burst from the other girl as she beheld her strange friend. "Really Lee?" She attempted to pull the corners of her lips down as she persisted in her scolding. "Please tell me you're joking." She insisted.

 Riley finally met her eyes; her sleek gray gaze never ceased to take the other girl's breath away. 

 Lennox recalled the first time she'd met the strange girl, she reminisced on how shy and reserved she'd been; never looking at anyone too long, as if scared they'd see the brewing storm clouds behind her irises.

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