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 The girl looked around at the bustling city for a moment, her eyes dancing up and down the large streets, taking note of each car that passed, and making sure to  watch the cars that passed her a little slower than she was comfortable with extra carefully, before turning her attention to her colorful watch, the little hand reading that it was just past seven.

  She'd be at school by now, right? Maybe I should go to her mentor first, it would probably be the safer option. 

  She stood in place; her eyes tracing over the geometric design whose points marked the respective hour, as her mind weighed each option, her brain seemed to throb the harder she thought about it.

  The unfamiliar sounds of heavy traffic shook her out of her thoughts as she heard a car's horn blare on her right, taking her focus away from her watch for just a moment. Her eyes scanned the area nervously; she had never been anywhere without her mentor, and nowhere she was in what seemed to be the land of the large alone.

  A young girl exploring-slash- getting lost on the streets of New York? It's almost too cliché. She thought as she eyed her surroundings warily, this was such a big place.

 The perfect place for anyone to disappear to; it would be nearly impossible for anyone to track down one individual person, yet almost inevitable for one to get lost. She was once again grateful for her affinity, without it she'd be one of the unfortunate ones that would get lost in this concrete jungle. 


   But, where am I going though? Her arms crossed one another as she began pacing slowly, her chest clenched with anxiety as her mind swirled with horrible scenarios. What if Ryn gave me the wrong name? Slowly she felt her pulse creep up, causing her throat to tighten and her mind began to spiral. What if? What if? What if? 

  Calm down. The voice of her mentor flowed from the back of her mind, a frown marred her face as she cleared her mind.

  Steadying herself, she rocked slightly back and forth on the balls of her feet allowing thoughts to blank as she counted her breaths. An unstable mind will always be lost. She allowed the simple words to flow into her brain, taking over her flurried thoughts, and bringing them to a gentle halt.

   Slowly she felt the tension relax from her shoulders, finally she was calm enough to allow herself to delve into her memory once again; her eyes closed as she began searching her subconscious.

 Ryn had uttered to her a name along with two addresses in which she would undoubtedly be, one of which was a school; that's where was heading, she just needed to find the right memory.

  Her eyes flew open as she looked around, focusing hard on the name of her destination; her body seemed to hum as her legs began leading her through the winding city, she passed skyscrapers that seemed to touch the sun itself; as well as screens bigger than anything she'd ever seen. Part of her wanted to dismiss the enchantment she'd placed on her legs and explore this strange place, however the recollection of her incapacitating ability to get lost in even the smallest of towns kept her from doing such.

  Around her people walked at steady paces, their own traffic flow keeping the sidewalks flooded. She quickly drifted into a crowd, her legs easily kept up with the flow but she could feel the rest of her body growing exhausted of the pace, however the constant scuttling around her made her certain that any shift in speed would result in her being trampled, that I would able to slow down. She thought cynically, mentally cursing herself for not mastering her phantasma crura before she cast it on herself.

   She almost cried in relief when she was finally caught at a traffic light, as she was catching her breath she pulled out her phone, deciding to search the school up. There were very few pictures of the building but from what  she could see, the outside was a nice beige color and most of the pictures on Google showed a diverse notenvironment. 

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